
by乔迪·赫尔默(Jodi Helmer)
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When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s almost impossible to bite into a rice cake without being offered diet advice: Cut carbs, limit fat, drink shakes, you name it. Is one approach better than another? Christopher Gardner, PhD, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, wanted to find out.



“There isn’t one diet for everyone.”

Within the groups, there were significant differences in how participants fared on each diet: Some dieters lost as much as 60 pounds while others gained weight, leading Gardner to explain, “There isn’t one diet for everyone.”

Although prescribing a specific diet might not be effective for weight loss, the research revealed some important information.


Participants were not asked to consume a specific number of calories, but all were asked to lower their fat or carb intake (depending on their group), choose more whole foods, including vegetables, and minimize added sugars and refined grains. Those who followed that advice, focusing on the quality of the calories they consumed over the quantity, lost significant amounts of weight — regardless of whether their diets were low-carb or low-fat.

钢丝燕麦和羽衣甘蓝都是低脂的;苏打水和白面包也是如此,但是燕麦和羽衣甘蓝可能更饱满,更饱满。Avocados and nuts are both low-carb; so are lard and butter, but meals made with avocados and nuts may be more filling, more satiating,” Gardner explains.

Focusing on healthier, more satiating foods helped dieters feel full while eating less.

An earlier JAMAstudyreported similar results. In 2012, 21 overweight adults were assigned to follow one of three diets: low-fat, low-carb or low-glycemic index for four weeks. Participants were instructed to replace grains and starches with vegetables, legumes, fruits and healthy fats. All dieters lost weight, but those who chose fewer carbs and ate more high-quality calories sped up their metabolisms, too, burning an additional 325 calories per day — about the same number of calories burned during an hour of moderate-intensity physical activity.


“Thetype我们消耗的卡路里影响了numberof calories being burned. In other words, from a metabolic perspective, all calories are不是alike to the body,” explains Dr.David S. Ludwig,波士顿儿童医院的新平衡基金会预防中心的联合主任。“我们吃的食物的质量可能会对激素,新陈代谢甚至基因表达产生基本影响。”

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Of course, the number of calories you consume still matters but Gardner believes it’s more important for people to choose foods that make them feel full and satisfied rather than obsessing over hitting a certain number of calories.


About the Author

乔迪·赫尔默(Jodi Helmer)

乔迪·赫尔默(Jodi Helmer)writes about health and wellness for publications like WebMD, AARP, Shape,Woman’s Day, Arthritis Today and Costco Connection among others. She often comes up with the best story ideas while hiking with her rescue dogs. You canread Jodi’s workor follow her on Twitter@helmerjodi.



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