
Alexis Joseph, MS, RD, LD
byAlexis Joseph, MS, RD, LD
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The sad fact about resolutions is they’re most notorious for being broken. Eating more greens, committing to a gym membership, spending more quality time with the family — it’s all easier in theory than practice. When it comes to conquering even the loftiest of goals,the key to successis making small, specific steps that you can havefunwith.

Here are four tried-and-true tips for setting up yourself up for success this year:

Statements like “I’ll eat healthier” and “I’ll work out more” lack tangible, realistic and measurable steps to propel you toward success that lasts past January. Taking time to break those big resolutions into specific, mini goals and then planning exactly when and how you will achieve them is critical for success.

记下一个何时实现目标的截止日期也将增加完成目标的机会。像医生的约会一样对待它。获取一个有趣的新计划者,以帮助您保持诱惑。If you want to work out more, sign up for three classes at the beginning of the week (or pick out three workouts online if you don’t have access to classes), lay your clothes out the night before to beat the morning excuses and call a buddy to go with you — just make it happen.

If you’re hoping to eat better, find three fun, yet simple, recipes you can make each week. Boring dishes like steamed broccoli and chicken probably won’t be sustainable in the long run. Plan to makeBanana Bread Granola Bars在周日的工作日小吃。在您的日历中写信hard-boil eggs, make yourfreezer smoothie packs并得到Overnight Coffee Oatsprepped. Healthy eating can easily become a fun habit with some planning.


Research shows that using daily activities to prompt new behaviormakes habits stick。假设您想变得更加活跃,但您无法适应参加日程安排的旅行。与其完全放弃这个想法,不如选择一项简单的活动,例如在外面走并将其固定在当前的例行活动中,例如早餐。每天吃早餐时,都会在街区漫步15分钟。随着时间的流逝,这项活动需要越来越少的意识(和意志力),直到它是自动的。在您不知不觉中,您已经进行了将近两个小时的运动到您的一周。那有多棒?

Weight management is a common resolution that leaves us feeling like we’re missing out. While forming positive health habits andeating intuitivelyis no small feat, it’s possible for it to become an enjoyable habit. Life’s too short to swear off brownies forever! Instead of focusing on eliminating all the things you enjoy, try boosting your diet with more tasty, nutrient-dense foods. For example, add a half cup of pulses (beans, chickpeas, peas and lentils) a day to沙拉,炒,要么意大利面。向更多纤维打招呼,plant-powered proteinand iron. If breakfastsmoothiesare your jam, add a handful of spinach, frozen cauliflower ordatesfor an instant nutrient boost.


There’s power in numbers, especially when it comes to kicking bad habits to the curb and making room for all the good.Studies showthat having accountability to a trusted friend significantly increases the likelihood of achieving goals. In a study, those who wrote down their goals, said them aloud and sent weekly accountability updates were almost twice as likely to achieve their goals than those who just thought about them.

So set yourself up for success by finding a friend or partner to report back to. Send them a summary of all your successes and failures and let them cheer you to the finish line.

About the Author

Alexis Joseph, MS, RD, LD
Alexis Joseph, MS, RD, LD

Alexis is a nationally recognized nutritionist and media personality specializing in nutrition communications and intuitive eating. She foundedHummusapien, a multi-faceted food, wellness, and lifestyle website in 2011 and co-foundedAlchemy Juice Bar + Cafe2014年在俄亥俄州哥伦布市。Alexis还担任食品品牌和商品委员会的作家,演讲者和营养顾问。



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