What You Need to Know About Magnesium

朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)
经过朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)
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What You Need to Know About Magnesium

感觉就像alwaysa new must-have supplement for optimal health, especially for people who are working out regularly or trying to lose weight. The latest to get some buzz is magnesium. Its touted benefits range from better sleep to fewer muscle aches and pains to reduced anxiety. While research hasn’t conclusively confirmed all of these benefits, it’s undeniable that everyone needs a decent amount of magnesium in their diet.

“镁是一种涉及体内数百个生理功能的矿物。”Dan DeFigio是田纳西州纳什维尔的认证私人教练和体育营养顾问。换句话说,你really需要它。他补充说:“镁对于肌肉收缩,调节血压,胰岛素代谢和神经传播至关重要。”对于任何活跃的人来说,也许最重要的是,镁对于制造三磷酸腺苷(ATP)也至关重要,Defigio称其为燃料收缩的“汽油”。简而言之,ATP是使您的肌肉能够移动的原因,因此,无论您是跑步者,沃克还是举重运动员,都需要确保您获得足够的这种基本矿物。

镁的原因是我此刻如此受欢迎s pretty simple: “Magnesium deficiency in both active and non-active adults is thought to be relatively common in the U.S.,” says Victoria Lindsay, a registered dietitian in Washington, D.C. “Several studies have shown that dietary intakes of magnesium in American adults consistently falls below the recommended amount for men and women.” Since so many people are deficient, it’s only natural for there to be an interest in supplementation.

Plus, there’s the fact that magnesium supplementation beyond what’s usually needed may have additional health benefits. “There has been someresearchto indicate that people suffering from depression or anxiety may benefit from additional magnesium to help them reduce stress and/or increase sleep, and I’ve had clients use this instead of melatonin as a natural sleep aid,” Lindsay says. “I think that part of the reason magnesium is so big right now is due to precisely that effect. In a world where most of us are on the go, have hectic lifestyles, and are constantly exposed to information and stimulation via the internet or social media, it’s easy to find yourself more anxious and stressed out. On top of that, I think that the average American diet of heavily processed foods, (which are devoid of magnesium), can exacerbate that. Therefore, working to increase the body’s magnesium levels via whole magnesium-rich foods and supplements when needed could potentially help manage a person’s stress and anxiety.”

Figuring out if you’re actually magnesium deficient can be tricky. “Magnesium testing is not readily available,” says Marie Spano, RD, a sports nutritionist and co-editor of “NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition.” “If you go to your doctor, chances are they won’t know where to order that test. Also, some of the tests are not accurate ways to measure magnesium status in the body.” The only way you canreallyfind out if you’re getting enough of the stuff is to evaluate your diet.

如果您会见您的建议的每日摄入量根据您的年龄和生活阶段,您可能会很好。如果不是,您可以做的第一件事就是尝试调整饮食,以包括菠菜,杏仁,鳄梨和黑巧克力等丰富镁的食物 - 尽管这种方法可能对每个人都不适合所有人。Defigio指出:“全食物几乎总是首选,但这里的问题是,谷物和蔬菜的矿物质含量很大程度上取决于它们生长的土壤。”“因此,当您谈论食物是否高镁时,这确实取决于土壤。”众所周知,美国的土壤被耗尽了镁,这就是为什么很多人选择补充剂或含有镁的多种维生素的原因。




最后,可能值得尝试通过皮肤吸收一些矿物质,尤其是如果您以肌肉酸痛或缓解压力来吸收矿物质。“由于镁会导致胃肠道遇险,因此已经假设透皮镁补充剂(即浸泡在泻盐浴中或在其中使用镁)可以绕过胃肠道,并帮助某人增加其镁水平,而不会产生副作用腹泻,” Lindsay解释说。“最近审查在这种类型的镁补充剂中,可能有一些补充镁的承诺,但是在此时间点,没有理由建议过度补充口腔镁。”无论您选择哪种方法,专家都说最好在营养师或您的医生的监督下尝试新补充剂。

About the Author

朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)
朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)

朱莉娅(@jmalacoff) is a seasoned writer and editor who focuses on fitness, nutrition, and health. She’s also a certified personal trainer and Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach. Based in Amsterdam, she bikes every day and travels around the world in search of tough sweat sessions and the best vegetarian fare.


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