6 Ideal Recovery Meals For Different Workouts

Lori Russell,MS RD CSSD
byLori Russell,MS RD CSSD
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6 Ideal Recovery Meals For Different Workouts

Recovery nutritionis a vital but often overlooked mechanism for athletes looking to get results. Any physical exercise uses energy stores in the form of glycogen and causes damage to proteins in muscle cells. Ingesting calories in the form of protein and carbohydrates along with植物营养素immediately after a workout can help the body recover — increasing muscle repair,reducing inflammation, and decreasing hunger later in the day.


6 Ideal Recovery Meals For Different Workouts

Your goal for this workout is gaining muscle and strength. Consuming a protein-rich meal after training can help maximize the amount of protein the body can use to rebuild strained muscle tissue. However, protein is not the only thing your body needs. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) — including leucine, isoleucine and valine — obtained through the consumption of protein-rich foods, assist the body in retaining lean tissue mass and improving muscle tissue synthesis.


Long endurance sessions — like a hard 4-hour bike ride — require subsisting on simple sports fuel and beverages for hours to keep the body going. Even with adequate fueling, these sessions can leave you extremely depleted by thousands of calories from all three macronutrients. Your gastric system may also be sluggish from excess simple sugars. Replenishing this full spectrum of nutrients requires more than a small snack.


6 Ideal Recovery Meals For Different Workouts





While a fasted 60-minute swim session could be helpful for getting out early to complete training, skipping a pre-workout meal only increases the importance of the recovery meal. When glucose is not consumed for two hours post-workout, especially when fuel is not present before training, the body slows glycogen synthesis. Having a meal like cottage cheese and a healthy, whole-grain muffin that can be consumed quickly is key to supplying protein and carbohydrates for immediate recovery. Other options to prep ahead of time and bring to the pool with you could be overnight oats with protein powder or a peanut butter sandwich and Greek yogurt.

6 Ideal Recovery Meals For Different Workouts

Tennis and other racket sports generally have a short duration of intense play. These bouts of activity might not feel like much, but they take a toll on the energy levels and smaller, stabilizer muscles. If you have a nutritious, full meal planned within roughly three hours post-workout, a caloric recovery meal would be overkill. Instead, focus on a snack that combines protein and carbohydrates to satisfy immediate hunger, control intake later on, and give the body just enough nutrients to begin the recovery process.

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Lori Russell,MS RD CSSD
Lori Russell,MS RD CSSD

Lori,MS RD CSSD是一位出色的运动营养师;她担任运动营养专家的人类营养和认证硕士学位。作为现任专业公路骑自行车的人,以前的精英马拉松运动员和超级跑步者Loriknows firsthand that food can enhance or diminish performance gains. She understands the importance of balancing a quality whole food based diet with science-backed performance nutrition and strives to share this message with others. Learn more about her@hungryforresults.



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