How to Set, Track and Hit 6 SMART Goals for Weight Loss

Lauren Krouse
byLauren Krouse
How to Set, Track and Hit 6 SMART Goals for Weight Loss

In order to successfully lose weight and keep it off, you need to设立目标制作可持续的生活方式改变a reality. But goal-setting is艺术本身和模糊的天空馅饼决议like “get in shape” or “lose 30 pounds this year” are rarely enough to keep your motivation up for the long haul. They also don’t give you the framework you need to take action.




First, you’ll need to create a visual reminder of your goals and progress such as a habit-tracking chart or app, says Chu. Apps likemyfitnesspalhelp youtrack your eating habits, hydration, step count and more. You can also try习惯,一个使您可以与朋友分享目标的应用程序(aresearch-backed motivation boost), or栖息地,这可以通过神奇的头像来养成良好的习惯。


“The关键是一致性”。Catalyst Fitness & Performance在马萨诸塞州剑桥。“如果您不预约专注于健康,健身和营养,那么您将推迟。”查看您的日历,安排时间坐下来,反思每天,每周,每月和每年的短期和长期目标。他说,即使只有一个5分钟的街区,您也可以随着时间的推移建立长达10分钟或更多的时间。


After setting goals, “you should also track your thoughts and feelings because some actionable steps may need to be changed if you don’t enjoy them,” says Chu. Don’t be afraid to根据需要调整您的方法。For instance, if you find yourself repeatedly skipping solo sweat sessions, you may need to change up your exercise routine,找到一个健身伙伴,或加入小组健身课to重新启动您出现的动力


As you review your progress, set SMARTER goals (aka new goals after evaluating and revising your initial SMART goals) to help you set a goal that’s more achievable if you failed to reach the original goal or to continue progressing if you were successful.



Now that you have the tools you need to set goals and track your progress, try adding one or two of theseslim-down goals每周到您的清单。

How to Set, Track and Hit 6 SMART Goals for Weight Loss

为什么它可以帮助您减肥:Tracking what you eat可以帮助您了解卡路里和大量营养素content of your typical diet and help point out excesses and deficiencies in an objective way,” says Liz Wyosnick, RD, a private-practice registered dietitian and owner of平衡在华盛顿西雅图。最终,您想了解哪些餐点和小吃可以帮助您实现卡路里目标一直感到饥饿

HOW TO TRACK IT:使用MyFitnesspal应用程序and take notes on how you feel after meals, such as: “I felt hungry after lunch, so I’ll add more fiber and protein to my meal tomorrow” or “1-cup serving of nuts put me way over my target, so I’ll try 1/2 a cup next time.”

WHAT TO DO NEXT:无论是继续使用食品杂志或采用直观或正念饮食实践

为什么它可以帮助您减肥:“Often, low-level dehydration can be the culprit for low energy and can beconfused for food cravings, causing unnecessary snacking,” says Wyosnick.保持水合can help you avoid this problem and keep your energy up for workouts.

HOW TO TRACK IT:找到一个reusable water bottle并弄清楚它可以容纳多少水。然后,将尽可能多的橡皮筋放在瓶子周围,就像达到每日水合目标所需要的那样(思考:一个24盎司的瓶子= 3个橡皮筋,3块橡皮筋,以达到72盎司)。你也可以轨道水合在myfitnesspal上。

WHAT TO DO NEXT:Wyosnick建议:“在日常饮水周围养成了习惯之后,请看其他饮料。”你得到太多了吗液体卡路里来自篡改的咖啡饮料,果汁或酒精?试验更改卡路里的变化,例如使用较小的杯子或吸收气泡水而不是苏打水。

How to Set, Track and Hit 6 SMART Goals for Weight Loss

为什么它可以帮助您减肥:“更多纤维and water your meals contain, the more likely you are to become full and still meet calorie targets,” says Wyosnick. Non-starchy veggies likeleafy greens,芦笋,西兰花和胡萝卜的卡路里含量低,纤维含量较高,以及可以使您的消化系统移动的健康保护物。

HOW TO TRACK IT:使用MyFitnessPal之类的进餐跟踪应用程序或保留餐点的照片日记。

WHAT TO DO NEXT:扩展您的蔬菜曲目。买one new-to-you veggie per week, choose a different mix of salad greens or experiment with different cooking methods like roasting or grilling. “The more confident and adventurous you get with vegetables, the more of a mainstay they become,” says Wyosnick.

为什么它可以帮助您减肥:“People tend to skip lunch, which often leads to overeating at dinner or snacking on unhealthy convenience foods throughout the day,” says塔玛·塞缪尔(Tamar Samuels)周末批量烹饪(or at a specific time that suits your schedule) can help ensure you eat nutritious lunches and hit your calorie goal. As a bonus, leave the weekend free to eat out for lunch.

HOW TO TRACK IT:使用每周的自我保健列表或习惯性跟踪应用程序来安排特定日期和时间的膳食计划。为了使它变得有趣并保持责任,Samuels建议与朋友一起做虚拟批处理,并一起烹饪相同的食谱。

WHAT TO DO NEXT:If you struggle to hit this goal, try playing around with scheduling or cooking fewer meals, such as lunches for Monday and Tuesday, suggests Samuels. If you’re successful, set another goal to try a new recipe each week and experiment with new flavor profiles.

How to Set, Track and Hit 6 SMART Goals for Weight Loss

为什么它可以帮助您减肥:步行moreis a prime way to increase your非运动活性生热(整洁)经过认证卫生设计。This is especially valuable for weight loss since you could be unconsciously reducing your NEAT — fidgeting less, spending more time on the couch — as your body attempts to preserve energy.

HOW TO TRACK IT:使用MyFitnessPal作为步骤柜台或使用可穿戴设备,例如手表记录您的步骤。每次达到每天或每周的目标时,都会在图表上给自己一个金星或贴纸(请记住:视觉提醒对于保持动力至关重要。)或在习惯性跟踪应用程序上标记进度。

WHAT TO DO NEXT:如果您达到每周的步骤目标,请通过登录来继续升级1,000 more steps per day下周或增加每周的锻炼时间表。为了确保您添加步骤,将此目标分解为walking goalssuch as a regular weekend hike in nature or morning walk. If you’re struggling to reach a step goal, give yourself some grace and make a SMARTER, more achievable goal (Think: Add 500 more steps per day rather than 1,000).

为什么它可以帮助您减肥:Maciel说:“偶尔将食物用于舒适是正常的。”“但是,如果它成为您的主要应对机制,这可能会对您的健康和目标产生负面影响。”有一份列表压力管理活动can help you learn how tobetter manage emotional eating并坚持以减肥的卡路里目标。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球

HOW TO TRACK IT:使用习惯跟踪应用程序,安排特定时间以列出活动列表以帮助打破情感饮食的循环。在一周中,每次您选择替代压力缓解器如打扫房间,看书或电话ing a friend to vent, record it. When you don’t, journal out why you turned to food for comfort, how you felt about it, and how you might make a different decision next time.

WHAT TO DO NEXT:If your initial list didn’t work, ask yourself what you’re feeling and what you need to do to come up with better coping strategies for the next week, suggests Maciel. If you were successful, set a new goal to develop a常规的自我保健常规

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Lauren Krouse
Lauren Krouse

劳伦·克鲁斯(Lauren Krouse)是一位自由作家,涵盖了健康,家庭暴力和自我顾问。她的作品出现在妇女的健康,男性健康,预防,自我,huffpost,和其他地方。当她不写作时,您会发现她试图与她的伴侣和黑人实验室一起在树林里进行更多,举重或在树林里行走。







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