
Kathryn Budig
经过Kathryn Budig

我在世界上绝对喜欢的食物是意大利面。基于白色的麸质面食。没错,对于任何有小麦过敏或敏感性的人来说,几乎没有健康益处和噩梦。我继续大声地承认这一点 - 帕斯塔(Pasta)是我的爱和阿喀琉斯的脚跟。

现在,考虑一下:我坐在一家餐厅里,挣扎着,我将菜单开放,面对两个急剧不同的选择。在一页上,他们展示了《每日特别节目:美味的意大利面》!在我最喜欢的调味料之一中游泳的一群面条伴随着绿色或任何营养价值。翻盖页面为我提供了完全不同的东西 - 播放的羽衣甘蓝,小扁豆,没有酱汁。直截了当的药物会为我加油,滋养我,让我感到完整,但是……

The pasta! The pasta will make my belly sing for joy, beg for more, ask to be whisked away to Italy where we can live happily ever after. Meanwhile the kale and lentils are wooing me with their health benefits, and I know I’ll digest them well. The pasta might make me feel fat and bloated, but the kale still can’t hold a candle to it. Do I want to stay healthy or go all out? Do I behave and eat the kale, or is it okay to splurge and have the pasta? This debate continues in my mind until the waiter arrives at the table, at which point I gaze up with confused doe eyes. To be healthy or not to be healthy — is that the question? Here’s my answer: Order the freakin’ pasta.


我希望您成为健康的战士,但我希望您在平衡与爱的战士中保持平衡。吃一碗意大利面(或您最喜欢的食物)没有任何耻辱。我们的味蕾存在被唤醒和诱人!食物提供了体验,记住和享受的口味的交响曲。当您订购或准备自己喜欢的食物时,您正在治疗腹部,心脏和灵魂。这是一种简单的享受,可以奖励您的身体每天出现并允许您正常运作。这就是我希望您观看食物的方式 - 作为美丽的礼物。显然,食物在这里滋养我们并使我们活着。我也相信我们可以将其用作药物 - 自然而充分地治愈我们的身体。我还将食物视为建立友谊,纽带和联盟的平台,也是分享喜悦,激情和爱的一种不言而喻的方式。


A huge number of food neuroses come from the emotions we project onto food. I joke about my Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde conversation over pasta versus kale, but this isn’t as uncommon as you might think. We’re taught that certain foods will make us fat, while others will make us skinny. Once you have this association with foods (think of words like fat, oil, butter), you steer far away from them so as to not experience the guilt of crossing over onto the dark side. It always feels good to plow into a pint of ice cream, but afterward we often sit remorsefully rubbing our soft (but happy) bellies.

My question is this: What if we could eat food without regret? What if we could drop the labels associated with certain types of food and just view them as experiences? When you associate a specific food with negativity and fear, it takes on that energy. For example, if you want to eat a chocolate chip cookie, but your guilty conscience is weighing you down, it will be a horrible experience. You’ll eat the cookie, crying on the inside, knowing each bite will add an unwanted bulge somewhere. At this point, what’s the purpose in even eating the cookie? There’s no enjoyment, just judgment and pain, when all you wanted was the simple pleasure of eating a cookie.


我对此的警告不会是不稳定的饼干饮食。吃聪明并保持您所做的一切平衡仍然至关重要。有一个著名的笑话:“除了适度,我会适度地做一切。”尽管这总是在我的脸上露出微笑,但适度是关键。您要吃晚饭 - 点面食。特殊场合 - 蛋糕。庆祝 - 喝酒!日常?放聪明点。吃有机非加工食品。 Choose colorful foods full of nutrients to heal and fuel your body. Want a glass of wine (or two) with your beautiful, nutritious meal? Cheers to your health and sweet, sweet balance.


受到凯瑟琳·荒地的启发book Aim True, and learn to love your body, eat without fear, and discover true balance. Enter这里有机会赢她的书或order now

About the Author

Kathryn Budig
Kathryn Budig

Kathryn Budigis the founder of目标是正确的以及《瑜伽女性健康大书》的作者She is a contributing writer for multiple media outlets. In addition to her Gaiam DVD, Aim True Yoga, she teaches weekly online yoga classes atYogaglo.com。跟着她TwitterandInstagram@kathrynbudig。


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