健康Basics: Goal Setting and Motivation

Julia Malacoff
byJulia Malacoff

现在您有着坚实的基础cardio, interval training,力量训练andtraining plans,您可能想启动健身计划。在制定全面的计划之前,对您的目标有清楚的了解,实现目标需要多长时间以及计划如何跟上日常工作是很明智的。请继续阅读四个步骤以完成所有这些步骤。

Simply getting started can be a huge barrier to committing to a fitness program. It can be helpful to do a little “pre-work” before actually taking action so you feel ultra-prepared. Here’s what fitness pros recommend keeping in mind when you’re ready to embark on a new regimen.

If you’re brand new to fitness …
Start by finding a gym that feels comfortable and approachable. “The hardest part is walking through the door and not knowing what goes on within the confines of that gym,” says Zack Sparber, a certified personal trainer withF45 Training. If the gym isn’t welcoming right off the bat, it probably isn’t a great fit, he adds. There should also be someone there to show you how to use the equipment, and if there’s not, that’s a red flag, Sparber says.

“如果您要切换目标,请反思您用于实现先前目标的习惯和技术,并将其应用于新目标。”Tom Holland, an exercise physiologist, sports nutritionist and author of “The Micro Workout Plan.” “Learn from what has (and what hasn’t) worked for you in the past to avoid making the same mistakes and capitalize on your proven successful strategies.”

If you’re getting back into fitness after a break …


“This is one of the more common goals,” says Darin Hulslander, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, who runsThis is Performance. To clarify, fat loss and weight loss are technically different things. “Fat loss is losing body fat, not weight,” Huslander explains. Most people who lose body fat do end up losing weight, but it’s key to lose fat rather than muscle, as muscle adds to your lean body mass and helps you burn more calories.

To accomplish fat loss, you’ll need a combination of training and proper nutrition. In terms of training, you’ll want to think about incorporating a combination of resistance training, cardio, conditioning and non-exercise activity (like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking your car further away).

“This is an ideal goal for someone that’s ready, willing and able to increase their movement, and make changes to their nutrition that create a calorie deficit,” Hulslander adds.

Muscle Gain
Sometimes, this one gets confused with fat loss. “You can build muscle and lose fat, but it doesn’t typically happen simultaneously unless you’re a beginner,” Hulslander explains. This is a phenomenon also known as body recomposition.


Maximum Strength
这是一个性能目标,但你可能会音乐le gain benefits along with it. “Muscle size compliments strength, as the larger the muscles are, the greater potential for maximum strength exists,” Hulslander explains. “But you can also increase strength without increasing muscle size!” What’s more, maximum strength has a host of benefits, Hulslander says: preventing sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss), preventing age-related declines in metabolism, injury prevention, preventing bone-density loss, and building confidence.

No matter your goal, there are a couple of general guidelines for successful goal setting to be aware of.

Break goals down into smaller goals.For instance, if you want to lose 50 pounds in a year, how might that look in six months, three months or even one month? “Having smaller goals helps with bigger-picture outcomes,” Hulslander notes.

Be realistic:“For some, losing 80 pounds in a year might technically be realistic, but could take very intense training and long stretches of intense dieting to achieve, and may not be ideal for a beginner,” Hulslander points out. If you’re not sure whether your goal is doable, consult a qualified professional, like a trainer or nutritionist.

Making your goal time-bound helps to hold you accountable and gives you an end in sight. So what’s possible

  • 脂肪流失:Hulslander说,您可以期望在一个月内损失1-3%的体内脂肪作为起点。他补充说:“但是脂肪流失绝不是线性的,许多压力,生活方式和激素等许多事情都可以改变我们的身体定义真正的卡路里不足的方式。”有些人可能会花费或多或少的时间来实现自己的目标。
  • Muscle gain:Males can gain anywhere from 1–3 pounds of muscle per month, while females can gain 0.5–1 pound a month, on average, for a beginner-to-intermediate lifter, according to Hulslander. This also requires being in a calorie surplus, or eating more than your maintenance calories, as well as a solid lifting program.
  • 最大的力量:在这里,目标通常被定义为一个单一重复的最大值的最大值。”对于这个目标,更大的增长通常在前六个月内发生,然后在那之后变得更加名义。”赫尔斯兰德说。因此,对于大多数人来说,在六个月的时间内拍摄特定的单程最大值是现实的。

Many people rely onwillpower and motivation使他们达到目标。但是这两者都是有限资源。即使您不想锻炼,这是如何保持自己的方法。


为您的程序添加多样性。Variety helps prevent boredom. “Add enough variety so you don’t get bored after a month, but not so much that you have no idea what you’re doing the next day,” Sparber recommends. Mixing and matching workout types is a good idea, he adds. For example, you could have a set solo routine in the gym, but mix it up with HIIT classes once a week.

Collect data.监视您的进度(但是您定义它)​​是维持动力的好方法。除了您的主要目标外,还要寻找评估次要目标的方法,例如拥有更多的精力和更好的睡眠。Hulslander说:“即使您每天将能量水平从1-10进行评估,也可以找到其他方法来衡量一个大目标以外的进度,并且它将为合规和动力带来奇迹。”

Look beyond aesthetics.There’s nothing wrong with having an appearance-related goal. But acknowledging that working out improves health can help keep you coming back, even when you’re dealing with some internal resistance. “While weight loss, fat loss and muscle building are all good goals, just because the比例没有动or your appearance isn’t changing does not mean that your workouts aren’t working,” Holland points out. “Improved heart health, blood chemistry and mood are but a few of the benefits of exercise that you can’t see on the scale or in the mirror.”


Julia Malacoff
Julia Malacoff

Julia (@jmalacoff)是一位经验丰富的作家和编辑,专注于健身,营养和健康。她还是经过认证的私人教练和精确营养1级教练。她每天都在阿姆斯特丹骑自行车,并在世界各地旅行,以寻找艰难的汗水和最好的素食美食。


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