How Dietitians Deal with 7 Healthy-Eating Fails

经过克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN
How Dietitians Deal with 7 Healthy-Eating Fails


Here are some of our bad habits and how we deal with them.

FIX:Eat at the dinner table.

我们总是听到营养师告诉我们,当我们通过关闭屏幕并在进食时使用椅子,板,叉子方法分心时不要吃饭。“But I’m the worst when it comes to eating lunch in front of my computer or leaning over the counter eating dinner before I have to run out to pick up a child,” says Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, author of “蛋白质包装的早餐俱乐部。”

Harris-Pincus打击this bad habit by eating outside whenever the weather allows to keep her out of the office and enjoying the sounds of nature while she eats: “I am definitely more satisfied with my meal when I pay attention to it.”


“我的储藏室里有黑巧克力藏在储藏室中,并连续几天从中拿起一块。我有一颗爱吃甜食,通过一小块黑巧克力,我可以满足它。知道这是有助于我抵制暴饮暴食的冲动。然后,我有时不碰到一个星期或更长时间。直观饮食确实有助于我的爱吃甜食。”Your Choice Nutrition.


水可能是全天补充水分的最佳方法,但是RD杰西·阿瑟(Jessie Asher)并不是这种口味的忠实拥护者。“我个人讨厌它的无聊品味。锻炼后每天我会放一个大瓶子,但通常我会从其他类型的饮料中获得液体。我对此并不感到难过,因为我知道我是否通过其他来源保持水分,并确保在运动后喝水,我很好。”她说。


FIX:Focus on a well-stocked pantry and kitchen.

Though meal prep is a proven strategy for healthy eating and weight loss, it takes planning. “It seems daunting to sit down and figure out everything I’m going to eat for the week. Instead, I make sure to buy a variety of healthy choices within each food category when I’m at the grocery store, like lean meat and poultry, and a mixture of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy, and then, when I’m cooking, I just make sure to include each food group,” says Jessica Levings, MS, RD, and owner ofBalanced Pantry


With her busy schedule Samantha Scruggs, RD, LDN of营养成果并不总是满足她的运动配额。“我很少有时间与我的三个孩子,长达一个小时的通勤和全职工作。取而代之的是,我尝试寻找其他方式保持活跃的方式,例如在我的午餐时间里散步,带孩子们去游泳池游泳,看着他们玩耍,或者做园艺和院子里的工作或家务劳动,以提高我的心跳,“ 她说。

滑:Forgetting to read food labels.

食品标签使我们了解到并帮助我们做出明智的购买决策,但前提是您阅读它们。“Recently I came back home with peanut butter with added sugar in it and ice cream that had partially hydrogenated oil in it because I was in a hurry at the grocery store so I didn’t read the label,” says Nicole Eichinger RD, LD, of营养是我的生活。Do you think she ate both products? “Absolutely,” she says, adding that “it’s not worth stressing about or returning the items. Just know the next time to read the labels at the grocery store and take a bit more time versus rushing through, even with kids in tow!”

滑:Not always stopping when we’re full (because that brownie tastes so good).

Dietitians, especially those focused on intuitive eating, say to stop eating when you’re satisfied. But we all know how hard that is, especially when we’re at our favorite restaurant. “I don’t reach for a brownie because I’m hungry but because I’m satisfying my craving. And if something tastes really good, I might eat a little beyond the first feeling of fullness,” saysintuitive eating counselor卡拉·莱顿(Kara Lydon)她说,一切都很好,并补充说:“目标是根据饥饿和丰满大多数时候and to not get caught in the vicious shame and guilt cycle if you eat outside of these cues.”


克里斯蒂娜·拉鲁(Kristina Larue),路由,CSSD,LDN

克里斯蒂娜(Kristina)是位于佛罗里达州奥兰多市的董事会认证运动营养师,她专门从事直观和正念的饮食。她是食品和营养博客的作者,爱与热情where she shares {mostly} healthy recipes with simple ingredients that are meant for real life. As a new mom, she knows that eating well and living an active lifestyle isn’t always easy… but it’s always worth it!! Kristina loves spending time outdoors with her family, sweaty workouts, and a good cup of coffee. Get in touch with her for one-on-one营养教练(virtually or in person), or connect with her onPinterest,,,,Instagram,,,,FacebookandYouTube


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