
Julia Malacoff
byJulia Malacoff

随着我们知道它由于全球大流行而彻底改变的世界,survey researchindicates anxiety is on the rise. “It makes a ton of sense,” says雷切尔·格斯滕(Rachel Gersten), a licensed therapist and health coach. “We’re used to some level of certainty, even if we understand that we can’t predict what will happen on a day-to-day basis. That’s really been taken away during the pandemic, and it’s incredibly difficult to adjust.”

不确定性是焦虑的繁殖场面。Julia Kogan, PsyD, a health psychologist who specializes in stress and insomnia, because it makes us imagine hypothetical future situations that tend to be worst-case scenarios. Unfortunately, imagining these hypotheticals doesn’t protect us. It just leaves us feeling anxious, which can affect our overall health, as well as our努力或保持健康

甚至那些已经弄清楚如何应对所有这些不确定性的人也可能正在处理焦虑。希瑟·里昂, PhD, licensed psychologist and co-founder of与治疗。“Now, later in the pandemic, the anxiety has changed to feelings of overwhelm as the lines between work and home are blurred, and many parents anticipate a return to homeschooling in September while also juggling work.”




While it’s understandable to be vigilant about your well-being right now, interpreting every little physical symptom as a sign you have COVID-19 (or any other health issue) could be a red flag you’re dealing with some level of health anxiety.

“Many of my clients are reporting hyper awareness of any unusual body reactions such as coughing, sneezing, changes in breathing or other symptoms they worry may be suggestive of COVID-19,” Kogan says.

Another clue health anxiety may be an issue, Kogan says: Persistent worry about being sick or getting sick even if you’re feeling totally fine. “Those with health anxiety tend to continue to worry about their health despite lack of symptoms, reassurance from doctors and medical testing.”

“请确保每天都有深厚的放松反应,” Kogan建议。“当引发焦虑时,战斗或飞行的响应is triggered along with it, resulting in physical, behavioral and emotional symptoms of anxiety.”Deep breathingrelaxation exercises可以帮助激活身体的自然镇静反应。科根说:“即使每天只有几分钟也会有很大的不同。”




里昂指出:“我看到的一种焦虑症与社会脱节有关。”研究表明social connection实际上是整体健康中非常重要的部分,并且可能具有健康保护作用。

“As humans, we’re hard-wired for connection,” Lyons adds. “Currently, we’re isolated. And when we do have connection, it’s often mediated by technology.” Socializing this way just isn’t quite the same, since it lacks physical touch and makes it difficult to read nonverbal cues. Believe it or not, this can make us feel exhausted rather than energized by our efforts to connect with others.

“I’m hearing much more that people are feeling lonely and start to fear that this sense of loneliness is never-ending,” Lyons notes.

How to cope: Stay in the present.
担心永远的孤独感是可以理解的。因此,Kogan建议,请尝试留在现在。“Notice when you are thinking about the future and watch out for thoughts that start with ‘what if.’ Then, gently bring yourself back to the present and remind yourself to focus on what you know in the present and what you have the ability to control.”



Getting back to work, school and regular life activities is one of the most common sources of anxiety at the moment, according to Kogan. While guidelines about what’s safe and not safe to do were relatively clear during the initial quarantine phase, they are murkier as things begin reopening.



How to cope: Adjust to the new normal with structure.
“创建包括工作和家庭生活的结构和例程,mood-boosting享受和缓解压力的活动,以及对健康行为的关注,例如体育锻炼,饮食营养餐和限制饮酒,这有助于减轻压力。” Kogan说。“结构使思想平静,定期计划愉快的活动有助于刺激和缓解压力。”




There are several reasons why. First, when we’re anxious, muscle tension increases, Kogan says. “High levels of anxiety are very emotionally and physically draining, but despite feeling exhausted, too much muscle tension can still make it difficult to fall asleep, which is incredibly frustrating.”

Second, for many people, anxiety is higher when they’re trying to go to bed. This can translate into racing thoughts that make sleep feel impossible, according to Kogan.

Lastly, being stuck at home may be at play. “If people are regularly out of the house and doing a variety of activities normally, they are expending energy throughout the day that can promote quality sleep at night,” Kogan explains. This is one of the reasons运动非常适合焦虑。“但是,大多数人的表现比平时少,尤其是在屋外。”这使得晚上不会感到困倦。科根说:“这可能导致人们试图强迫睡眠,从而增加焦虑。”

格斯滕说:“我建议有一个技巧可以帮助您的大脑平静下来。”“服用few deep breaths, then name three things you can see, hear and feel. This exercise helps ground you to reality and focus your brain away from the spiral of thoughts in your head.”




“It’s important to recognize that sometimes doom scrolling can become compulsive because it’s initially serving to relieve anxiety, but then ends up fueling it,” Lyons explains.

Here’s how it works: You pick up your phone to see “what’s new,” maybe unconsciously hoping for a new breakthrough in treatments or vaccines. Or, you might be seeking reassurance that things are OK, and nothing even worse than what’s currently happening is going on in the world. “For a moment, knowing that you have this ability to pick up your phone and find ‘the answer’ can bring down levels of anxiety,” Lyons says. “However, what ends up happening over time is that people are exposed to headlines meant to draw attention by heightening emotion. This leaves us more anxious.”

How to cope: Reflect and set firm boundaries.
“Pause and ask yourself, ‘Am I learning anything new or am I reading the same information stated multiple different ways?’” Gersten recommends. “Oftentimes, it’s the second one, and taking a moment to reflect on what’s going on can help you stop and sign off rather than continuing to doom scroll.”

Gersten also recommends setting specific times each day to log off. “Whether that’s a half hour before bed (which is also great for sleep habits) or when you’re at dinner (which helps you be more mindful with your food and with others if you have a roommate, partner, etc.), find something that’s realistic for you, so you can focus more on what’s going on in front of you rather than what’s on your screen.”

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Julia Malacoff
Julia Malacoff

Julia (@jmalacoff)是一位经验丰富的作家和编辑,专注于健身,营养和健康。她还是经过认证的私人教练和精确营养1级教练。她每天都在阿姆斯特丹骑自行车,并在世界各地旅行,以寻找艰难的汗水和最好的素食美食。


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