
经过凯利·霍根(Kelly Hogan)


Cooking oils营养素,风味剖面以及它们可以承受的热量水平的不同,这就是为什么在饮食中纳入各种的原因。像其他食品一样,可能会出现错误的信息,尤其是当脂肪含量不公平地被妖魔化时。Fat是必不可少的macronutrient身体需要对于细胞生长,吸收重要营养素,例如维生素B和能量。



Avocado oil近年来,它已经越来越受欢迎,这是理所当然的。它是从鳄梨中压制的,就像橄榄油一样,心脏健康的单不饱和脂肪油酸。鳄梨油也富含维生素E,一种强大的抗氧化剂。为了获得最大的健康益处,请选择未精制的,冷粘的鳄梨油。

鳄梨油的烟点比橄榄油更高(约480°F或248°C),并且更适合高热烹饪。由于其宜人的味道,鳄梨油也很棒沙拉敷料基地or used in an aioli to accompany veggies.



Whileomega-6 fats重要的是,如果以不成比例地消耗的数量,它们可能是炎症的omega-3脂肪酸。The typical Western diet is much higher in omega-6 fats compared to omega-3 fats (which can be found in whole foods like fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseeds), partly because canola oil can be found in a large variety of processed foods.

Canola oil has a high smoke point (400°F or 204°C) and can be used for high-heat cooking. Because it has a mild, neutral flavor, it can be used in a variety of cooking methods such as sauteing, stir-frying, grilling and baking.

椰子油几年前,它在阳光下的时刻,尽管它的受欢迎程度似乎已经放缓,但它仍然可能是厨房中偶尔的工具。它是通过按下新鲜的椰子肉并提取油制成的,而加工最少的版本通常被标记为处女或冷贴,而不是精制。与其他食用油不同,椰子主要由饱和脂肪, so it is solid at room temperature. It’s a bit different from the saturated fat found in animal products like butter, however, because some of the saturated fat in coconut oil is a medium-chain fatty acid called lauric acid. It is thought that lauric acid is absorbed more quickly by the body and used for energy, as opposed to being stored as fat. Regardless, numerous studies have found coconut oil may contribute toLDL胆固醇水平和甘油三酸酯升高, so it shouldn’t be considered a heart-healthy oil. Coconut oil does not contain significant amounts of other vitamins, minerals or macronutrients.


Olive oil is also a good source of vitamins E and K, which support heart and bone health, respectively. Olive oil is derived from olives, which are pressed to extract oil. Extra virgin oil is the least processed form of olive oil and the most nutritious because of its antioxidant content; it also has the richest flavor. Olive oil is a good source of monounsaturated fats, especially oleic acid, which is important for cardiac health, reducing inflammation andmay help lower LDL and total cholesterol。消耗a地中海饮食富含橄榄油may also help reduce the risk of breast cancer, as found in a large randomized clinical trial.

Olive oil has a smoke point of around 350–410°F (176–210°C) and can be used for sauteing and frying at medium-high heat, roasting veggies and as a base for salad dressings thanks to its delicious flavor.

Sunflower oil is made from pressing the oil from sunflower seeds. It is an excellent source of vitamin E, and is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Like canola oil, sunflower oil is high in omega-6 fatty acids, and when consumed frequently and in much higher amounts than omega-3 fats, it can be inflammatory. However,许多葵花籽油contain higher amounts of oleic acid (a monounsaturated fat), which may have similar heart health benefits as compared to other high oleic acid oils.



If you’re looking for the most nutrient-dense option,橄榄油最科学研究支持its numerous health benefits。That said, it’s always important to include饮食中的多样性and take into account what you’re making, the heat level you need for cooking, and the desired flavor profile when choosing which oil to use. Having a couple of options in your kitchen arsenal is the best way tokeep your diet exciting and enjoyable

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凯利·霍根(Kelly Hogan)

凯利·霍根(Kelly Hogan)is an NYC-based registered dietitian specializing in women’s health, sports nutrition and plant-based eating. She is passionate about helping people develop a positive relationship with food and their bodies, and uses a non-diet approach in her practice. When she’s not talking or writing all things nutrition, Kelly can be found running in Central Park – she’s run 11 marathons and counting! – cooking recipes new and old, handstanding at the yoga studio or hanging with friends and/or her rescue dog, Peanut.


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