9 RD-Recommended High-Protein Wild Game Alternatives

Lauren Krouse
byLauren Krouse
9 RD-Recommended High-Protein Wild Game Alternatives

Adding moreprotein饮食是一种感到满足的好方法,增强肌肉帮助减肥万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球. While classic sources include,lean beef, another great source is lean wild meat.

Wild gameis unique because the food these animals consume is the food they are naturally inclined to eat, such as grass, bugs and other plants. This results in a more nutrient-dense and leaner meat compared to farmed meats, which are primarily fed grain,” saysKelly Hogan,位于纽约市的注册营养师。

In addition to being good for the environment and budget-friendly, consuming wild game can多样化饮食,改善整体健康。


许多野生肉是瘦的绝佳来源protein丰富的维生素和矿物质like B vitamins and iron, which support many bodily processes on the cellular level and serves as building blocks for red blood cells.

由于野生游戏在“不健康”中往往较低saturated fat(and some are also higher in “healthy”多不饱和脂肪),将其换成传统肉类(如牛肉和猪肉)(饱和脂肪的高度)是一个明智的举动,尤其是在您有风险的情况下高胆固醇或者心脏疾病, notes Hogan.



您可能会惊讶地学习羚羊 - 北美最快的土地哺乳动物 - 与牛,绵羊和山羊在同一家庭中。与鹿肉和麋鹿相似的口味和营养,“羚羊是两全其美的,”Amanda A. Kostro Miller,路。“它瘦弱,卡路里低,蛋白质含量高,例如家禽,但含有许多在牛肉中发现的伟大的维生素和矿物质,例如B族维生素和铁。”

或者dering a bison burger doesn’t just sound cool — it’s also a healthy swap for traditional beef with a slightly sweeter taste. While beef contains 17 grams of fat per 4-ounce serving, bison (aka buffalo) only has 6 grams of fat and nearly half the amount of saturated fat found in beef. “Bison is less gamey in flavor compared to some other wild lean meats and makes for a smart substitute for beef in burgers and chilies,” says Hogan.

鸭子是脂肪类似的瘦肉,卡路里与无皮肤的鸡肉或火鸡乳房相似。它也是硒和锌的绝佳来源,这些矿物质有助于保持皮肤健康并与自由基的炎症作斗争。与其他家禽相比,铁的铁也更高。与鸡肉或火鸡类似,您可以烤一整只鸭子,以节省金钱和时间meal prep. It’s also delicious in stews, salads and sandwiches.

The larger cousin to deer, elk has similar perks when it comes to nutrition. It’s high in B vitamins and iron and has less unhealthy saturated fats and more protein per ounce compared to conventional beef. Better yet, many people like elk for its sweeter, less gamey taste and, as Kostro Miller notes, elk has even less fat than venison — so, it’s a really lean cut of meat.

Fish can be great for weight loss和many contain健康的omega-3脂肪, which support brain health. Wild-caught fish is often more environmentally friendly than its farmed counterpart. Also, because fish in the wild eat a natural diet, they tend to be slightly lower in saturated fat than farm-raised varieties.

Rabbit may be the most underrated meat in America. Yes, rabbits are often pets, but they’re also a staple of many cuisines worldwide. Similar in taste to chicken yet sweeter and leaner, rabbit can be found on Southern dinner tables and on the menu in French, Italian and Chinese restaurants as well. “Rabbit is low in fat with just 3 grams per serving (and only 0.9 grams of saturated fat),” says Hogan. And if you’re trying to up your protein intake, rabbit is actually higher in protein than chicken and beef.

Ostrich is a red meat that tastes more like beef than poultry. “While ostrich tends to be more expensive than domestic meats, the main perk is that it’s lower in fat than both chicken and beef,” says Hogan. Like some other wild lean meats, ostrich can become tough due to its relatively low fat content, so opt for a roasting bag to seal in juices or substitute it for beef in a sauce or stew.

Technically, “venison” encompasses numerous types of meat (antelope and elk included) but this phrase most often refers to deer meat. “Compared to beef, venison is lower in fat and calories, and has more protein per ounce,” says Kostro Miller. It’s also a great source of B vitamins and iron, with 19 percent of the daily value based on a 2,000-calorie diet in one serving.

As is true for many wild game meats, venison tends to have a firmer texture and earthier taste than beef and makes for a popular jerky, barbeque or stew meat. Venison steak is worth a try, too, as it最多含有健康多不饱和脂肪的五倍compared to traditional beef and is just as (if not more) juicy and flavorful.

野猪,又名野猪,没有最好的声誉。他们是一种入侵物种臭名昭著的,每年挖掘根源并造成数十亿美元的损失。但是,就肉而言,野猪被称为猪肉和牛肉之间的多汁美味。野猪也是“非常瘦的肉,是铁,B族维生素和zinc,” says Hogan. Since it’s lower in fat, it cooks quicker than pork and is delicious in sliders, grilled or served with barbecue dishes.

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Lauren Krouse
Lauren Krouse

劳伦·克鲁斯(Lauren Krouse)是一位自由作家,涵盖了健康,家庭暴力和自我顾问。她的作品出现在妇女的健康,男性健康,预防,自我,huffpost,和其他地方。当她不写作时,您会发现她试图与她的伴侣和黑人实验室一起在树林里进行更多,举重或在树林里行走。



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