
经过保罗·L·安德伍德(Paul L. Underwood)
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Even world-class athletes sometimes need to remind themselves: Whatever big game or event they’re training for isn’t some remote one-off in the distant future. It’s a thing they need to train forevery single day。要点是,在地球上最高级别的比赛不是project定义为结束日期和目标。相反,这是一个正在进行的process,长期生活方式的一部分。



为了更好地理解获得(和保持)合适的心理方面,我们与约翰·巴塞洛缪(John Bartholomew)交谈,运动和运动心理学实验室主任at the University of Texas. He mentioned his daughter, who plays club soccer, as an example. “There’s always this sense with adolescents that now I’m gonna be done, that now I’m gonna be good,” he says. “One thing I talk to her about is that you’re not gonna be done getting better at soccer until you’re done playing soccer.” In other words, being active is about the journey, not the destination — and it’s a journey that, when done right, never truly ends.



“One of the concerns with the goals that people set for themselves is that if they don’t have a history of being active, they don’t set goals that are reasonable,” Bartholomew says. “One of the challenges people have when they begin a fitness program is that most of the feedback they receive is negative. It hurts. They’re sore. They’re hungrier, so they eat more and may even gain weight. There’s expense, they’re buying shoes.”

还有更多的坏消息:“奖励,积极的方面 - 这些都是延迟的。情绪改善。狗万体育买球万博彩票下载安卓减肥。对健康的益处。这些是您两个月没有注意到的事情,对吗?在很长一段时间内,您需要能够浏览这些负面体验。”

Bartholomew建议专注于该过程并认识到everyonestruggles to adapt to a new routine. “You need to understand that the first six weeks are more uncomfortable than they are comfortable. The general response is to think that it’s about us. It’s helpful to know this is a common experience, this is normal.” Remembering that won’t make those six weekseasier,但这将帮助您专注于那些痛苦的日子的另一端的美好事物。

2.不要运动 - 火车

有什么不同?运动是不同的,与整个项目或生活方式不受限制。是的,训练已经是一个目标,但本身也很有意义。如果您有一个目的地 - 例如,在那里运行10k,那就有一个天生的挑战。“因此,您将训练并自然地[跟随],您可以在跟进时修改培训,” Bartholomew说。“(通常)(签署此类事件)并不是一笔巨大的费用,但是您已经做出了一项承诺,可以帮助您找到进行这些锻炼的动力。”


确保您保持动力的另一种方法是找到其他人激励您。它可能是跑步俱乐部或您的朋友和追随者MapMyRun,它可能是私人教练,它可能只是您每周一次或两次锻炼的好友。但是这个人将帮助您承担责任 - 并有可能充当所有问题和疑虑的IRL榜样。“它为您提供了资源,一个支持小组,” Bartholomew说。“而且我认为为您想做的事为生,呼吸模型是有帮助的。阅读它是一回事,当您参与社区的一部分时,它会有所不同 - 甚至可以成为虚拟社区。拥有该现场小组为您提供信息和验证有一个真正的好处。”



The reality is this: Going from no workout routine to having one is a lifestyle change. (So is going from your existing program to another, potentially more challenging one.) To ease the transition, you’ll want to remove as much friction as possible between you and working out. Bartholomew recommends working out in the morning, rather than at night — “and set out your workout clothes the night before.” (Some people we know even sleep in their workout gear.) “Setting aside time at the end of the day: That’s the easiest thing to put off,” Bartholomew says. “You can drive to the gym or drive home. Most people are gonna drive home.” He adds that any way you can structure your environment so that physical activity is the default choice is helpful. Some ideas we’ve tried: Keeping running shoes in your car. Finding a coffee shop or juice place near your gym for an post-workout treat. Running at a park or on a track near playground equipment you can use for pullups. (You know, assuming there aren’t kids already using it.)

5.将自己定义为一个活跃的人 - 即使外面很痛苦

“It’s not enough to like to be active and enjoy it,” Bartholomew says. “Because there are gonna be days where you don’t enjoy it. Everybody can go for a run on a beautiful spring day when it’s 75 and the sun is shining. You need to have some other form of motivation.” He recommends defining yourself as an active person, rain or shine. “It’s not like you skip work because it’s a cloudy day. And not just because you get paid — it’s because you have a view of who you are as a responsible person. Being active is a constant process, and that should be part of the fun. If that’s not part of the fun, that’s gonna be hard.”


虽然你可能有时斗争与激励yourself to get off the couch, you might also struggle with motivating yourself to stay out of the gym (or, perhaps more precisely, with forgiving yourself for taking a rest day). The important thing is to incorporate them into your overall plan, rather than make those decisions in the moment. “You need to pay attention to your body, but you need to structure how you recover,” Bartholomew says. “Off days are important. Slow runs are important. And that’s OK.”



We’re all aging, whether we like it or not. That might mean changing how you train, and calibrating your expectations accordingly. (This is true for pros or amateurs — for example, a starting pitcher might focus on throwing with finesse after losing some ticks on his or her fastball.) Bartholomew cites the example of a marathon runner who can’t beat the times of yesteryear — he or she might switch to triathlons instead, rather than lose motivation due to feelings of failure. The important thing is to keep at it, remembering that fitness isn’t a goal, it’s a lifelong process.

About the Author

保罗·L·安德伍德(Paul L. Underwood)

Paul is a writer based in Austin, Texas. He tweetshere, he Instagramsthereand he posts the occasional deep thought atPlunderwood.com。He’s probably working on a run mix as you read this.


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