Are these 7 “Healthy” Foods As Healthy As You Think?

Cindy Ma
经过Cindy Ma
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Are these 7 “Healthy” Foods As Healthy As You Think?

Is a granola bar “healthy”? What about sushi or coconut oil?



1. Granola Bars/Granola
根据调查,超过70%的公共格兰诺拉麦片酒吧和格兰诺拉麦片是健康的,但不到50%的营养学家表示同意。格兰诺拉麦片酒吧和格兰诺拉麦片含有有益健康的成分(通常是燕麦,蜂蜜,干果和坚果,仅举几例),因此也就不足为奇了,公众被公众视为健康。不幸的是,这些成分也是卡路里密度的,更不用说有防腐剂,添加剂和added sugars在许多商店购买品种中发现。例如,比一个Hershey's牛奶巧克力棒(210卡路里,24克糖),Clif Bar燕麦葡萄干核桃(250卡路里,20克糖)包含更多的卡路里,几乎糖的卡路里几乎要多。

Nutrition Tip:

  • Read the nutrition label. Aim for less than 35% of calories coming from sugar in your granola or granola bar.
  • Investigate the ingredients list. Can you recognize the ingredients?
  • 制作自己的格兰诺拉麦片和格兰诺拉麦片。尝试这个简单的六分型格兰诺拉麦片recipe.

Coconut oil is exceptionally high (about 90%, in fact)在饱和脂肪中,脂肪与较高的血液胆固醇和心脏病风险有关。但是,Google“椰子油”,您会发现数百万的搜索结果认可椰子油作为皮肤保湿剂,烹饪必不可少的和自然的疗法,以及其他用途。我们的高级注册营养师和食品和营养编辑Elle Penner决定调查:Is coconut oil all it’s cracked up to be?She concluded that although the predominant saturated fat in coconut oil, lauric acid, has a slightly beneficial effect on cholesterol levels when used in place of other saturated fats, coconut oil is still a calorie-dense fat and best used in moderation. Keep it in your pantry, but don’t rely on it as your only source of cooking oil.

Nutrition Tip:In addition to coconut oil, stock up on an array of vegetable oils such as olive and canola, which contain mostly unsaturated fat.

近年来,我们看到了冷冻酸奶商店的爆炸式增长,这些商店通过弗罗伊(Froyo)低脂肪且钙和益生菌的含量高,赢得了健康光环。但是,弗罗伊(Froyo)商店没有告诉您的是,由于长期的保质期和制造过程,健康细菌通常无法生存长时间,无法进入消化道。最重要的是,冷冻酸奶的糖含量极高 - 1/2杯供应可提供17克糖!例如,如果您研究了流行的Froyo连锁酸奶的成分清单,您会发现糖或糖替代品是大多数冷冻酸奶中第二大最固定的成分。(其中有多少44个添加糖的昵称can you recognize?)

In addition, most froyo stores have a self-serve layout, making it easy to overdo it on the portion size and add on unlimited toppings. Don’t get us wrong — we’re not saying you should forgo froyo with friends, but as with everything, moderation is key.

Nutrition Tip:

  • 部分控制:要求小杯子。先转到浇头站,然后加入杯子,再加上新鲜的水果,您想要的其他任何东西,然后再加入Froyo。
  • 尝试使用您最喜欢的Froyo浇头的普通希腊酸奶。它的蛋白质含量很高,您可以控制添加糖的量。

4. Orange Juice
More than 75% of the public viewed orange juice as healthy, whereas 62% of nutritionists did. Juices have had a bad rep among nutrition pros for quite some time because of their high-sugar, low-fiber content. Many store-bought juices are practically liquid sugar. One 8-ounce serving of Tropicana No Pulp contains 22 grams of sugar, which is only 2 grams less than a Hershey bar. This isn’t to say that the public is misinformed on the healthfulness of orange juice. OJ, specifically the home-juiced with pulp kind, does pack nutritious fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Nutrition Tip:Opt for the whole fruit instead. We know a refreshing glass of juice is hard to beat, soenjoy juice as part of a balanced diet(每天约4盎司)。

Foods Nutritionists Consider ‘Healthy’ (But Not the Public)

A recent Harvard studyshowed that people who ate 70 grams of whole grains per day, or about 4 servings, had a lower mortality rate compared with those who ate little or no whole grains. More than just awhole grainingredient (technically it’s a seed), quinoa is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. So, why the disconnect between experts and the public? This may be because quinoa is relatively new to the American diet and not many know what to make of it yet. Based on 2016’sGoogle Food Trends,藜麦陷入了时期,预计每年需求减少。尽管如此,Google查询“藜麦无麸质吗?”(而且,是的)增长了16%,这表明那些遵循无麸质饮食的人仍然对伪造感兴趣。

食谱提示:Nutty, chewy and fluffy, quinoa works great in any dish in addition to or in place of grains such as rice, barley or couscous. Get inspired with我们的藜麦食谱清单狗万买球网址

6. Tofu
Tofu, the popular meat alternative made from soybeans, is a very good source of protein at 10 grams per half-cup. It’s also rich in calcium, iron and omega-3 fatty acids! In the public eye, soy can seem controversial because it contains isoflavones, phytoestrogens that mimic the hormone estrogen and can disrupt the body’s normal functions. Although some feared that these estrogen-like compounds would increase the risk of hormone-related cancers, studies have proved otherwise — and that regular soy consumption may reduce breast cancer risk in women (seehereandhere)。大豆对健康的影响仍在actively researched, but most experts agree that it is safe even for breast cancer survivors to eat每天最多三份大豆食品


现在,这个日本的主食已在世界各地消耗掉,抛弃了外国人的地位。让我们将寿司分解为主要成分:米饭,鱼,海藻,生姜和芥末。大米为富含碳水化合物的碱提供了饱满度。鱼提供心脏健康的omega-3脂肪酸和填充蛋白质。海藻是碘的绝佳来源,这是调节甲状腺的重要元素。姜和芥末提供抗氧化剂,维生素和矿物质。有这么多爱的人,很难看到缺点,但要注意 - 一个特色卷可以含有550卡路里,每天最多的钠推荐最多的一半!

Nutrition Tip:学习如何order sushi without breaking the calorie bank

最重要的是,您的饮食不需要将每种食物归类为“好”或“坏”。如果您喜欢冷冻酸奶和格兰诺拉麦片,请有一些!如果您不热衷于豆腐或藜麦,请探索它们 - 但不要强迫它进入饮食,以使其感到“健康”。通过平衡的饮食,运动,当然还有适度的放纵,使您的健康和健身目标保持正轨。(并通过将其记录到您的myFitnessPal应用。)

About the Author

Cindy Ma
Cindy Ma

Cindy holds a bachelor’s in nutritional science from UC Berkeley. By sharing her knowledge of nutrition, Cindy aspires to empower others to reach their full potential by living a healthy lifestyle and embracing a positive body image. She enjoys experimenting in the kitchen, exploring cultures through food, and exercising with friends. Connect with her onTwitter


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