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If you’re looking for aworkout计划可以帮助您减肥,为您的汗水增加更多的汗水课程weekly routine是一个很好的起点。而且也有无尽的方法可以做到 - 也许您会意外地fall in love with running,或者您会发现小组健身对您有很大的激励。但是,坚持一个喜欢的人或从一次锻炼中随机跳跃并不是最有效或减肥的最有效方法(这些方法可能对您来说可能是或可能不是同一件事,这很酷!)。如果您想查看(并维护)结果,则必须有行动计划. Whether you’re totally new to fitness or just need some guidance, you’re covered here. Celeb trainerAdam Rosante, author ofThe 30-Second BodyandC9ambassador, came up with a plan for SELF readers to help guide you to success with anyweight-loss goals你可能有。它结合在一起减肥超高锻炼万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球along with space for you to incorporate workouts you really love, too.

但是首先,要注意一些事情。与锻炼一样大,为了使可持续的减肥,它需要与万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球healthy nutrition choicesand睡眠良好. And to take an even larger step back, always remember that healthy eating, fitness, and weight loss vary from person to person. What works for your best friend won’t always be the best thing for you, just as your methods might not work for them. And if you’re specifically trying to lose weight, ask yourself why. Will losing weight (and how you go about it) actually make you healthier and happier? And are there other questions you should consider before you try? For example, if you have a history of disordered eating, it’s always smart to discuss potential eating changes with your doctor before embarking on a new plan. Even if you have no history of disordered eating, be sure to set reasonable expectations and goals for yourself. Health and weight loss involve so many components, like the aforementioned healthy eating and sleep, plus things you can’t control at all, like hormonal fluctuations. Above all, no matter what your goals are, it’s most important to treat yourself with kindness and listen to your body.

That’s one of the best things about this plan, actually: “This plan is highly effective, but totally accessible to all levels,” says Rosante. Here, he outlines a sample Monday through Sunday锻炼计划随着时间的流逝,这可以帮助您减肥 - 您要做的就是继续努力并努力工作。这种混合覆盖了您的所有基础,但是如果您需要换掉一些东西,那就是NBD,这只是一个example weekof the types of workouts you can be doing. Consider it a baseline to help get you going.

Here’s how to use this weight-loss workout plan:

  • Check out the perfectly planned week of workouts tailored to weight-loss goals below (and save the pin at the bottom for easy reference, too). If you’re not trying to lose weight, that’s completely fine too—no matter what your goals are, this balanced fitness plan can be a great guideline.
  • Schedule your workouts for the upcoming week on your calendar and book your classes in advance.
  • If you need to replace a day with another workout, just be strategic about it. “Follow the spirit of each workout:Strength training,high-intensity cardio, mobility work andstretching, steady-state movement.” Maybe you swap out a sprint day with an interval training group fitness class, or you hit up a restorative yoga class on rest day.
  • 请记住,安全,健康的减肥是一个逐步的过程!万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球

Now go get ’em.



这是因为您的身体拥有的肌肉越瘦,维持的能量就越多。这个增加您的BMR, or basal metabolic rate, meaning your body burns more calories at rest. This is a calculation of how many calories you’d burn if you just laid in bed all day.

Rosante’s simple strength workout requires some floor space, a workout bench, and a set of dumbbells. The exact weight you use will vary, he says, but he does have some guidelines for choosing the right ones. “You want to be able to complete all of the reps without stopping, while keeping great form,” he says. “But your last few reps should feel very difficult to complete. You should feel like you could maybe do one or two more reps if youhad到。”这可能需要一些反复试验,最好在您刚开始时开始更轻。(以下是一些有关的技巧choosing the right weight.)

Ready to get started? Here’s the total-body strength workout you’ll do three times a week:

1.Bodyweight Squats—15代表。快速提示:低矮,保持胸部,不要让膝盖在此低身移动期间越过脚趾。

2.Dumbbell Bench Press—12代表。快速提示:将自己放置,使您的头,背部和屁股都在长凳上,脚平放在地板上。

3.Dumbbell Row—12 reps each side. Quick tip: If you don’t have a bench available, try a弯曲行.

4.躺着的等距y—Hold for 30 seconds. Quick tip: You can keep your legs on the ground for this one if that feels more comfortable.

5.盒子升级—15 reps each leg. Quick tip: Alternate between your left and right leg, and for an extra challenge, step your lifted foot into a lunge as you come down from the box.

6。—Hold for 30 seconds. Quick tip: Make sure you’re keeping your core tight!

Do the circuit 3x, resting for 1 minute between each round.


Strength training is important for increasing your BMR, but the calorie burn payoff forhigh-intensity cardio workoutsis more immediate. “Sprinting torches calories and gets the work done in a fraction of the time you’d spend jogging,” explains Rosante. This type ofhigh-intensity interval training特别有效,因为在锻炼过程中几次飙升了心率后,您的身体使用更多的能量使您的身体回到静止状态。

您可以做Rosante的简单(但艰难的地狱)sprint interval workouton almost any cardio equipment. So no worries if you just不能有时使用跑步机 - 您也可以使用室内骑自行车, rowing machine,椭圆形, you name it.

  • 30秒:全面冲刺
  • 60秒:中等速度慢跑
  • Do this 12x

星期三:泡沫滚动 + 12,000步

“Your body needs to recover after two days of intensity, but you don’t want to sit around doing nothing,” explains Rosante. “泡沫滚动andstretchingwillimprove your mobilityand actually help to improve the quality of your workouts, [because] good mobility will allow you to achieve fullrange of motionin the moves. Executing these moves with a greater range of motion will force your body to exert more energy, and the more energy you exert, the more calories you burn.” A bigger range of motion means you’ll be able to squat deeper and lunge lower while using proper form. When the right muscle fibers are firing, you’ll get more out of every exercise.

现在,该移动性与一些步行配对。Rosante解释说,步行是一种低影响的运动,可以增加血液流动并有助于加快恢复的速度。“此外,简单的减肥科学是:花费比摄入更多的能量。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球步行数!”所以打破活动跟踪器或向下加载一个程序在你的手机上,目标to get a solid 12,000 steps in (a little more than the normally cited 10,000 steps). “If the goal is weight loss, an extra 2,000 steps per day helps you kick things up,” says Rosante.


Do the same workout you did on Monday.


“Do a high-intensity fitness class to kick up the calorie burn while keeping things fresh, interesting, and social,” says Rosante. Grab some friends and head to an indoor cycling studio, or sign up for the boot camp class you’ve been nervous to try. Having a strategic program like Rosante’s is important for efficiently moving toward your goals, but this where you have the chance to mix it up so you don’t get bored. No matter what you do, though, make sure you—and have fun.


Do the same workout you did on Monday and Thursday.


Ah, rest day—you’ve earned it. Muscles aren’t built while you’re working them—in fact, when you strength train, you’re breaking down muscle fibers. That’s why it’s important to build in rest and recovery time, so they have a有机会修理自己a little stronger than before, explains Rosante.

“You’ve worked your ass off this past week,” says Rosante. “Rest up and get ready to crush it again next week.”



经过一个月左右的计划,现在该将其切换了。“您不想为了几个原因而永远留下它。首先,您会感到无聊。那是一个健身杀手,”罗森特说。“第二,您的身体在适应压力方面绝对是出色的。最终,它将找到一种轻松完成这些会议的方法。发生这种情况时,您将高原and stop seeing progress. Change is essential.”


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