6 Ways to Put Fun Back in Your Workout

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6 Ways to Put Fun Back in Your Workout


Step one: Discover what type of workout motivates you the most.


What’s the best sport or workout for your personality? James Gavin, PhD, professor of applied human sciences at Montreal’s Concordia University, developed the Fitness Personality Profile below. The chart outlines how seven psychosocial traits match an array of different activities, from team sports to tai chi. Circle the activities that appeal to you to get a sense of where you fall on each continuum—and to see which adjacent activities might also feel like “fun.”

fitness personality


Have a Love-Hate Relationship With Exercise? You’re Not Alone

当Darryl爱德华兹去健身房锻炼健身,他温t all in, progressing from self-described couch potato to physical powerhouse. He grew ever stronger, leaner, healthier.


“I had a strong work ethic from my job in investment banking, which I transferred to my experience in the gym. No pain, no gain, right? But I didn’t enjoy the process,” he says. “I only looked forward to the end result, watching the clock rather than staying in the moment.”


“I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with exercise—but I’ve always loved to ‘play,’” he explains.

Channeling his passion, Edwards got certified as a personal trainer and nutritionist, and then designed a fitness program infused with the energy of a children’s playground at recess. The approach, which he termed原始游戏,将功能性运动与重新塑造的童年游戏配对。


It’s easy to think of exercise as a chore—or as tedious torture—if you only look forward to the endgame. But Thomas Raedeke, PhD, professor of kinesiology at East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C., asserts that if your workout is fun, you’re not only more likely to keep it up, you’ll also experience better effects along the way.

In his 2007 study published in the应用运动心理学杂志,雷德克(Raedeke)要求参与者在运动前后评估他们的精神状态。他们越喜欢这项活动,他们的越好情绪and the more energized they felt afterward.

“我讽刺的是,当人们谈论exercise, they say, ‘We’re going to go work out.’ But when we talk about kids exercising, we tell them, ‘Go out and play,’” Raedeke says. “The way we exercise is outcome oriented. We lose sight that the process—just enjoying the experience—is so important.”

The challenge: Discovering what turns your fitness crank. Whether it’s a friendly soccer match or a solo walk in the park, finding the movement style you love is integral to making exercise a habit.



Choosing a workout that jibes with your personality reduces resistance, ramps up your perceived fun factor, and increases the likelihood that you’ll come back for more.


To help us do that, James Gavin, PhD, a professor of applied human sciences at Montreal’s Concordia University who has studied exercise psychology for more than 30 years, developed the Fitness Personality Profile (see “Finding Your Fitness Fit,” above).

“For people who are new to exercise, finding an activity that parallels the way they live can be important, because it doesn’t throw them out of their comfort zone,” says Gavin. So, while an aggressive, type A personality could feel at home on the racquetball court, someone with a mellower temperament might feel most at peace in a瑜伽studio.

有多种方法可以根据各种需求来量身定制一项活动个性, 也。跑步。一个安静,内省的人可以独自跑步。更社交的人可能会喜欢小组培训或社区娱乐。特别自发的个性可以从混合物中受益 - 探索新路线,间隔训练或越野跑。


“If you want physical activity to be integrated into your life, it must be enjoyable,” says Edwards, who authored a related book,古健身。“That’s the only way to make it long term and sustainable.”

Edwards is part of a growing fitness trend—from Frank Forencich’s “Exuberant Animal” workouts to hip-hop fitness dance classes—that emphasize fun as much as physical challenge. Here’s how you can get some of that fun for yourself.


是什么驱使您运动?对于某些人来说,这是医生的命令。对于其他人来说,这是外观。对于原始生活的专家马克·西森(Mark Sisson)原始蓝图,,,,it’s participating in activities he absolutely loves—like hiking or playing ultimate Frisbee.

“Enjoyment is its own intrinsic reward, and intrinsic rewards are essential,” says Sisson. Unlike extrinsic rewards (those designed to impress others or achieve a secondary goal), intrinsic rewards originate from within, he explains. They’re driven by authentic values and desires. As a result, he notes, “they’re more reliable sources of motivation and more likely to endure over time.”

New research suggests that doing physical activities we experience as rewarding on their own merits can also help us conserve our willpower, empowering us to make healthier choices in other areas. In a 2014 study at French and American universities, women who went on a 30-minute为了“娱乐”,不太可能选择含糖苏打水之后,甜点比那些参加同样步行的“运动”的人。

总体而言,动力越积极,越好。加利福尼亚大学欧文分校的研究教授玛格丽特·施耐德(Margaret Schneider)发现,有些人受到奖励的激励,而另一些人则希望避免受到惩罚。那些因奖励而刺激的人更有可能享受运动。施耐德说,钥匙是了解什么激励您,并为您的活动量身定制。

3. Value Variety

Choosing a workout that meshes with your personality can be helpful, but don’t stop your search with a single good match—especially if you’re already active. “Being introduced to different movement forms excites us and wakes us up,” Gavin says.


The group that changed their routines every two weeks better adhered to the regimen than those who designed theirown exercise programs。Researchers believe the spike could be due to an increase in exercise enjoyment.

Unfortunately, most of us are not naturally inclined to seek out such novelty and variety on our own, says Jennifer Huberty, PhD, associate professor of exercise and wellness at Arizona State University. “The barrier lies in getting people to explore,” she says.


And don’t limit yourself to traditional exercise, Huberty says. Check out a hula-hooping class. Take a long walk to go bird watching. Or try a free-movement experience like Qoya, which is drawn from elements of dance and yoga. You never know where you’ll find your fitness bliss.


Walk into the Tuesday morning Studio Cycle class at Life Time Fitness in the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul, Minn., and you’ll be hard-pressed to ride without making a new friend or two. Newbies are greeted with smiles, old friends reach across the bikes for sweaty hugs, and partner stretches bookend the heart-pumping class.

The convivial social environment, combined with dim lights and upbeat music, lend the morning a decidedly partylike atmosphere. And that’s exactly the intent.

“We all want to feel like we’re part of something bigger—even at the club,” says Kimberly Spreen-Glick, director of group fitness at Life Time. “People have an innate need to feel connected. Group fitness classes offer that.”

When your gym feels like the bar in Cheers, where everybody knows your name, workout sessions become the new happy hour. Data backs up the benefits, whether your fitness tribe is a team of two or 20: A 2013 British study shows that women train longer and more often when working out with a friend. Sixty-four percent of the study participants pushed themselves harder than when training alone, and 31 percent said their fitness partners provided the main motivation for working out.

锻炼伙伴也提供问责制。“如果您不露面,有人会想念您,” Spreen-Glick说。合作伙伴可以帮助您重回正轨,为自己的成就加油并同情自己的挫折,使旅程更有意义,更有趣。

马克·费舍尔(Mark Fisher)说:“任何人都很难在没有社会支持的情况下改变可持续的生活方式。”马克·费舍尔(Mark Fisher)说,他的曼哈顿体育馆马克·费舍尔(Mark Fisher)的健身是建立在团体健身并建立深座位的联系的基础上。“拥有健身社区意味着锻炼不再只是培训,而是与朋友共度时光。”


除非您是一个染上疾病的非竞争者,否则不要太快就能忽略激烈的泡菜比赛或艰难的足球比赛的力量。一点竞争精神can raise your energy level and amplify your fun quotient at the same time.


The way we think about playing sports is very different from the way we think about exercising, according to a 2005 study published in the美国大学健康杂志。当被问及为什么参加体育运动时,参与者列出了享受,挑战和竞争的动机。当被问及为什么锻炼时,原因通常涉及外观和体重管理。


Just be sure to keep the competition friendly. When examining Division 1 soccer players, authors of a 2007 study published in TheJournal of Strength and Conditioning Researchlearned that levels of anxiety and the stress hormone cortisol rose when players competed in a serious match. But when they engaged in regular soccer practice, their salivary cortisol levels didn’t change significantly.


A negative, self-critical perspective can suck the joy out of any fitness pursuit. Doubting your physical abilities or making unkind mental comments about your body is a great way to ruin your workout.

On the other hand, using positive imagery and encouraging self-talk can go a long way toward boosting both your enjoyment and your willingness to work out.

According to a 2014 study from the University of New Hampshire, recalling good memories can be a powerful motivator, too. When participants thought about a positive memory associated with physical activity—perhaps hitting a home run or finishing their first5k- 下周他们经常锻炼。



“您可能正在跑步机上行走,想到这真的很无聊。但是,您可以改变自己的观点,专注于您欣赏的事物。” Huberty说。“就像,我很感激我的腿在这个跑步机上移动;我感谢自己为自己的时间。感恩将重点从障碍中移开,使我们专注于对自己的位置感觉良好。”


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