
麦肯齐L. Havey
经过麦肯齐L. Havey

It’s a familiar story. You made the decision to adopt healthier habits with a goal of losing weight, and at first the pounds seemed to fall off. Then suddenly progress slowed down, and the inevitable weight-loss plateau starting rearing its ugly head. It’s understandable to feel frustrated and confused, especially given that what was once working no longer is. For many, the result is a backslide into old habits and, in turn, weight gain. It’s a vicious cycle.


Since this is an all-too-common phenomenon, experts have devised strategies to help those committed to healthier habits stay devoted even when weight loss levels off. There’s no doubt that if you can stay the course and make the proper adjustments, you will eventually see progress again. Here are six strategies for pushing past that plateau and sticking to your weight-loss plan through thick and thin:



“据估计,对于每磅你输了,你需要减少八卡路里的食物摄入量,”Tinsley解释说。“所以对于已经失去了30磅的人,她现在需要吃240个卡路里或者锻炼更多的卡路里或燃烧更多 - 这被称为能量差距。”



“转移你的焦点来思考非规模胜利,“建议格伦西斯课程,在MyFitnessPal执教领域。“问问自己:基于我的体重减轻,我生命中发生的一些积极事物 - 也许你有一个来自你的孩子的拥抱,他们可以把他们的手臂一直放在你身边,或者你走上最远的奔跑万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球you’ve ever done.”

There are plenty of benefits to getting healthy that are harder to quantify but are同样重要的是减肥。狗万体育买球万博彩票下载安卓当您花时间在高原期间庆祝这些成就时,即使在规模没有移动时,您也更有可能保持动力。





That means if you are still eating a lot of macaroni and cheese or fatty meats, you’re going to have trouble feeling full on a reduced-calorie diet. When you choose foods rich in fiber and lean protein, you’ll feel fuller for longer, even when you’re cutting calories.


为您的一周设定课程可以很长的路要走,让您保持健康的习惯和减肥。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球“如果您可以预测您可能遇到的挑战,他们将更容易通过,”Cartany说。“也许你计划本周五次去健身房 - 这意味着你需要事先看看你的日历,看看你何时可以去。”

Tinsley补充说,同样的方法也适用于死t: “People who are really successful with weight loss have a plan to go to the grocery store. They know what they will eat for lunch and the healthy snacks they’ll have at work.”




Coursey emphasizes that moving more doesn’t mean only getting structured exercise like hopping on a treadmill or going for a bike ride. Everyday activities burn calories, too. This can include everything from mowing the lawn to vacuuming the house. “It’s important to shift your focus and also pay attention to activity throughout the day,” she adds.


For many, it can be demoralizing when weight loss levels off. There’s plenty of evidence out there, however, to suggest that if you can stick with your weight-loss plan, the poundswill剥离。这就是为什么剩下积极的是让你跟踪追踪。



麦肯齐L. Havey
麦肯齐L. Havey

麦肯齐is a freelance journalist and coach based in Minneapolis. She contributes to a variety of magazines and websites, including TheAtlantic.com, OutsideOnline.com, espnW.com, Runner’s World and Triathlete Magazine. She holds a master’s degree in Kinesiology from the University of Minnesota, and is a USA Track and Field certified coach. When she’s not writing, she’s out biking, running and cross-country skiing around the city lakes with her dog.


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