

6 Satisfying Snacks That Cost Under $1

6 Satisfying Snacks That Cost Under $1

Who’s not all about getting more bang for your buck? Count me as the queen of this club when it comes to nutritious foods that fit into my budget, and snacks seem to work well under this criteria. Snacks are becoming more common in my diet, especially as I get busier with work and social commitments. After doing some reconnaissance work at the local corner store, drug store and grocery store, I have compiled a list of six satisfying snacks that won’t bust your budget yet still offer a nutritious boost. That’s right: These six supersnacks are under a dollar per serving!

75美分 - 每3盎司$ 1

鹰嘴豆泥is a convenient and versatile snack made from blending cooked chickpeas with tahini and heart-healthy oils such as olive or soybean oil. The oil contributes heart-healthful fats such asmonounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats,而鹰嘴豆却提供持久力,因为它们很丰富蛋白质,支撑丰满的感觉,同时还可以建立瘦肌肉质量。鹰嘴豆泥具有多种口味,因此请务必尝试一些品种,以查看您最喜欢哪种品种。我喜欢将全麦皮塔或蔬菜浸入一个鹰嘴豆泥容器中,只要我需要快速零食才能填满我。我还将拿起一些方便的零食包,将鹰嘴豆泥与椒盐脆饼或饼干搭配;这是一个简单的,不明智的零食选择!

75¢ per 6 ounces

酸奶是另一种快速零食选项,可以将其扔进您的工作或健身包中。酸奶充满蛋白质,可以帮助进行体重管理。切换到更昂贵的希腊酸奶,您将翻一番蛋白质呢此外,每天钙的40%有助于您的骨骼保持坚固。酸奶是一个不错的选择,可以单独食用或掺入食谱中,以抽出烘焙食品或甜点的营养价值。狗万买球网址我喜欢在一杯希腊酸奶上搭配一些冷冻浆果和杏仁滑倒,以获得令人满意的下午小吃。好像您需要另一个理由将酸奶融入零食的例程中,酸奶是一个很好的来源probiotics, which help to support a healthful gut.


在户外的大型户外工作也可以在您的桌子上工作。Trail Mix非常适合希望通过营养选择来定制零食的人们。Trail Mix的美感是,商店有很多不同种类的产品,从热带到辛辣的风味不等。如果您觉得自己想把事情掌握在自己手中,那就去吧!购买您的最爱nuts,种子和任何其他混合物。随意添加非传统成分,例如黑巧克力,干大豆或爆米花。这种组合将为您提供一定剂量的蛋白质和心脏健康的脂肪,干果会贡献纤维对于肠道健康,黑巧克力和干大豆等混合物添加了抗氧化剂,例如flavonoids, and popcorn bringswhole grains, which takes me to my next snack option.

75¢ per 1/2 cup

Popcorn is one of the only snacks that is 100% whole grain. Popcorn comes from a special type of corn that is grown to pop! Popcorn kernels are dried on the cob, removed and packaged as popcorn snacks or as kernels that can be popped at home. For a fun, office-friendly snack, take about 1/4 cup popping corn and place in a lunch-size brown paper bag. Drizzle olive oil over the kernels, and roll the top of the bag over twice. Pop the bag in the microwave (fold side down), and cook for about two minutes. Enjoy with some seasoning or salt. In just a few minutes, you have a quick and satisfying snack!


小而令人满意的小吃,奶酪是great in that it is portioned out and wrapped for easy convenience. Similar to yogurt, string cheese has protein and calcium and comes in a variety of different cheeses. I like to pair my string cheese with veggies for some crunch and extra nutrients.

25¢–$1 per serving

Below you will find three fruits that are perfect for grabbing before you leave home.

  • 香蕉:这些分配的100卡路里水果充满了纤维和钾,是大自然的“小吃包”。
  • 苹果:您可能已经听说每天一个苹果会使医生远离,因此请抓住这种水果,以供维生素C和类黄酮等抗氧化剂。
  • Orange:不再仅仅是维生素C的动力室。这种柑橘类水果还充满了纤维,并富含钙,叶酸,钾和抗氧化剂,例如类黄酮。


  • 冷冻浆果:Packed with antioxidants like flavonoids, this is a great option to add on top of yogurt or blend into smoothies.
  • 罐装南瓜:正好赶上秋天,将一些南瓜罐头倒入一碗燕麦片中享用节日早餐。南瓜富含纤维和抗氧化剂,例如类胡萝卜素。
  • Canned Mandarin Oranges:当天气变得越来越冷时,我发现自己倾向于更多的热带风味。我喜欢将这种蛋citrus添加到沙拉中,或在烤鸡的顶部,以获得甜/咸的组合。


- 梅根·迈耶(Megan Meyer),博士学位。



IFIC Foundationis dedicated to the mission of effectively communicating science-based information on health, nutrition and food safety for the public good. We bring together, work with, and provide information to consumers, health and nutrition professionals, educators, government officials, and food, beverage, and agricultural industry professionals. We have previously established partnerships with a wide range of credible professional organizations, government agencies, and academic institutions to advance the public understanding of key health and wellness issues.


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