11 Budget-Friendly Proteins to Fuel Weight Loss

byLauren Krouse

需要新鲜农产品,高质量蛋白质和健康的来源胖的, A均衡饮食can seem difficult to afford, especially when you find yourself in themeat aisle。但是当涉及蛋白质时,您不必伸展您的预算健康减肥。实际上,一些最营养的蛋白质来源高度负担得起,并且批量提供。在这里,有11个钱包友好的选择可以库存燃油减肥万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球:

“A 1-ounce handful of almonds offers up to 6 grams of protein, 9 grams of healthy monounsaturated fats and 3.5 grams of fiber, all of which can help make you feel full and satisfied when you’re trying to lose weight,” says Becky Kerkenbush, RD, a representative for the Wisconsin Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Almonds are also rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that fights damage from harmful free radicals.

Toreap the benefits of almonds,选择无盐的版本以保持钠摄入量。有少量快速简便的小吃, sprinkle slivered almonds on salads, yogurt, oatmeal andbaked chicken或者fish and add ground almonds to breads and松饼,建议Kerkenbush。

are inexpensive, easy to prepare and portable,” says Kerkenbush. Because they’re high in protein and low in calories (about 6 grams of protein and just 70 calories each), they fill you up without adding much to your daily intake.

What’s more, people who ate a高蛋白早餐与那些选择低蛋白选择或那些选择低蛋白的人相比skipped the meal总共显示一个学习在营养杂志中。食客的稳定性更稳定血糖水平午餐时不太可能暴饮暴食。准备好时with little or no cooking oil or butter, eggs make a great addition to your eating plan for weight loss, says Kerkenbush.

尝试他们在此偷猎Middle Eastern breakfast bowl, As松饼paired with quinoa and edamame or in a菜肉馅煎蛋饼with your favorite veggies.

一罐黑色豆子与牛排的精美削减相比,超级便宜。然而,只有半杯装有7.5克蛋白质,7.5克纤维, And only 112 calories.黑豆can help you feel fuller and zap hunger — people on ahigh-fiber, bean-based diet ate roughly 300 calories less per dayshows one clinical trial。Additionally,抗性淀粉在黑豆中有助于改善您的消化喂养好细菌Kerkenbush说,在您的肠道里。


Like black beans,鹰嘴豆, Also called garbanzo beans, fill you up with ample protein and fiber as well as slow-to-digest resistant starch (a half-cup serving provides 120 calories with 6 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber). What’s more, chickpeas are packed with nutrients like manganese (key for bone health) and folate (crucial for red blood cell formation and energy production).

While dried chickpeas tend to be your cheapest option, if you’re purchasing canned chickpeas, you can use aquafaba (the liquid surrounding the chickpeas) for egg-free mayo,granola,healthful desserts或者as a thickener in sauces, saysAnja Grommons, RD.

尝试鹰嘴豆家made hummus,沙拉或者蔬菜咖喱

在所有豆类(又名豆类等豆类和鹰嘴豆)中,小扁豆含有最多的淀粉和不溶性纤维以及大量的prebiotics, making them super filling and great for digestion. A source of多酚(naturally occurring plant compounds), they’re与较低风险有关糖尿病,肥胖,癌症和心血管疾病。

Pro tip: Don’t worry about soaking dried lentils — just use 3 cups of water per 1 cup of lentils and simmer them for 15–20 minutes, says杰基·纽格,RD,烹饪营养学家和“全天然糖尿病食谱”的作者。

在蛋白质丰富的版本中尝试pasta Bolognese, 在并在grilled chicken salad

一罐金枪鱼含有70卡路里,但包装16克蛋白质,是最健康的鱼以减肥万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球。It’s low in fat and high inomega-3脂肪酸, 哪个can prevent and管理心脏病Newgent说,可能会降低血压。她建议,要减少钠含量,首先冲洗并排干金枪鱼并选择低钠品种。

尝试制作金枪鱼avocado egg salad,用金枪鱼顶苹果片或在沙拉

“Plain希腊酸奶是一个神话般的蛋白质来源,每6盎司18克,这是您在单次服务容器中发现的。”Lauren Harris-Pincus, RD.” It also provides 15% of your daily calcium needs and肠道友好的益生菌, 哪个支持减肥万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球

When trying to slim down, “the key is to make sure you’re早餐时获得足够的蛋白质(为避免在午餐时吃暴饮暴食),整天保持饱满。那是不断效力和负担得起的希腊酸奶的地方。

将希腊酸奶添加到早餐冰沙,顶上格兰诺拉麦片,水果和坚果健康的冻糕, mix it into隔夜的麦片和substitute it for butter and oil inbaked goods

它可能不在您的杂货清单的顶部,但是这种被忽视的宝石构成了具有成本效益的主食。根据品牌,低脂的1/2杯(75克)cottage cheese最多包含16克蛋白质,可以帮助您在两餐之间充满蛋白质。“如果可能的话,请寻找1或2%的脂肪非脂肪版本缺乏风味(并且不那么满意),而全脂(4%)增加了额外的卡路里和饱和脂肪。”

With its subtle flavor, cottage cheese is easy to layer with fruit and全麦谷物, says Harris-Pincus. You can also add it to scrambled eggs, asoufflé甚至煎饼面糊for a creamy protein boost.

可能是最被低估的零食之一,只有少数花生(约28个)具有7克蛋白质。“花生是several nutrients, 在cluding copper (essential for red blood cell formation, bone strength and immunity) and manganese (key for brain and nervous system function). They also contain a phytonutrient called resveratrol, which acts as apowerful antioxidant和may play a role in reducing the risk of心血管疾病,癌症和阿尔茨海默氏病,” Newgent说。

让他们简单。“理想情况下,避开含有大量糖的花生,例如蜂蜜烤,法式燃烧或任何糖果涂层的品种,” Newgent建议。

相反,尝试将它们添加到chicken lettuce wraps,stews或原始能源棒

A 1-ounce handful of shelled pumpkin seeds (aka pepitas) provides 8.5 grams of protein. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in magnesium, “which is important for keeping your energy up and regulating blood sugar and insulin levels,” says Newgent.


交换quinoafor your go-to rice from time to time could help you slim down (and even better, it cooks fast). This seed, which is often used like a grain, contains nearly twice as much protein as白米Newgent说,每半杯和3克饱满的纤维有4克。

尝试一下hot breakfast cereal(对于燕麦片的欢迎改变),一个冷基地沙拉Kerkenbush说,当将其磨碎成面食和面包时,多余的蛋白质。



Lauren Krouse

Lauren Krouse is a freelance writer who covers health, domestic violence, and self-advocacy. Her work appears inWomen’s Health, Men’s Health, Prevention, Self, HuffPost,和elsewhere. When she’s not writing, you can find her trying to meditate more, weightlifting, or walking in the woods with her partner and black lab.


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