5 Ways to Intensify Strength Workouts Without Increasing Weight

byJulia Malacoff
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5 Ways to Intensify Strength Workouts Without Increasing Weight

The most popular — and straightforward — way to boost the difficulty of a weighted movement is to simply increase the weight. However, because of equipment or physical limitations, that’s not always possible — but there are definitely ways around this.

“First off, sometimes heavier weight is not available,” explains Dustin Hogue, trainer at工作室三在伊利诺伊州芝加哥。“我们生活在一个快节奏的,去,去,去世界。这意味着有时我们的锻炼被降级为设备有限的家庭体育馆。”但这并不意味着您不能仅仅因为只有一组哑铃而在家中进行出色的锻炼。他说:“寻找进步和修改运动的创造性方法是从手头上获得最大收益的最佳方法之一。”


Instead of powering through, you can actually modify the exercises you’re doing to get a more intense workout, all while keeping the same weight. Here’s how to supercharge your workout using the same load you usually do:

“My favorite way to make an exercise harder is to introduce some form of instability,” Hogue says. There are many different ways to accomplish this, but the idea is you do your usual movement pattern while simultaneously challenging your balance. “This can be as simple as taking a seated movement and making it a standing movement. Other options would be using a Bosu or stability ball or lessening the base of support by making it a single leg or split-stance movement,” he explains.

例如,您可以尝试站立的二头肌卷发,而不是坐着的卷曲,稳定球上的加权仰卧起坐,而不是地板上的仰卧起坐,半开球pallof Press,而不是标准的跪式版本或单腿罗马尼亚的硬拉而不是常规的硬拉。

You might think pulsing is just for barre classes, but it’s actually a useful technique in weightlifting, too. “Pulses are another way to get a ‘burn’ without necessarily increasing full range reps or adding weight,” explains Chris Matsui, a certified strength and conditioning specialistat Fusion Performance Trainingin NYC. “To try it, at the bottom of the squat to go up and down a few inches before standing fully upright.“ By adding that extra half rep, you’re challenging your muscles to move through the most demanding part of the movement twice as many times, therefore seriously upping the difficulty.


Another tool you can use is the rate at which you’re doing each part of a movement. “Modifying your tempo is a great way to progress your exercises,” Hogue says. “Simply slowing down the eccentric (lowering) portion of a movement is a great way to build lean muscle.” Think about the squat, for example. “If you slow down as you lower into your squat (four counts down and one count up), your glutes, hamstrings and quads are going to spend more time under tension. This gives each rep more bang for its buck and builds not only strength, but also muscular endurance,” Hogue explains.

Try it with bench presses, triceps extensions or any type of squat.

“到目前为止,我最喜欢增加锻炼强度的方法是在中点,端点或两者兼而有之。”“Weight Training Without Injury.” Isometrics are when you contract your muscle without actually moving, essentially pausing and tensing your muscles at a certain part of an exercise. “This simply makes the exercise more effective and can be a substitute to a traditional rep or weight increase at any time,” Straub explains.


A similar technique is to insert a pause at the bottom of a movement, like at the bottom of a squat, pushup or chest press for 1–2 counts. Why does it work? “Holding a position at a fixed joint angle increases time under tension at a weak point, which is very challenging,” Matsui explains.

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Most people take breaks between sets or circuits when working out on their own. Try cutting your usual rest period to just 30 seconds. According to Matsui, this keeps your heart rate up, which makes the exercise feel tougher to complete and means more calories burned from the workout as a whole — a win-win.


Julia Malacoff

Julia (@jmalacoff)是一位经验丰富的作家和编辑,专注于健身,营养和健康。她还是经过认证的私人教练和精确营养1级教练。她每天都在阿姆斯特丹骑自行车,并在世界各地旅行,以寻找艰难的汗水和最好的素食美食。



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