5 Stretching Mistakes and How to Fix Them

劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)
经过劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)
5 Stretching Mistakes and How to Fix Them

There are so many great reasons to make伸展常规的常规部分:它很放松,可以提高灵活性和运动范围,并且可以为您选择的锻炼做好准备。



在这里,五个常见的拉伸错误 - 以及如何修复它们:

有一次,似乎每个人都在锻炼前持有静态伸展。现在,研究和专家都在警告锻炼者在仍然冷时伸展肌肉,因为它不仅可以限制您的表现,而且“它可能会增加您的肌肉疲劳风险”劳伦·洛伯格(Lauren Loberg),分类骨科医生和经过董事会认证的临床骨科专家。

根据研究published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. Researchers speculate that lengthening your muscles when they’re still cold can limit their potential to fire efficiently. And if you’re lifting heavy or performing explosive movements (i.e., sprints, vertical jumps, jump squats), you need your muscles to fire efficiently.

修复程序:If static stretches are still part of your pre-workout routine, it’s time to切换到动态伸展。在锻炼后节省静态伸展。

Unlike static stretches, which are passive and held for longer periods of time, dynamic stretches are active and use movement to bring about a stretch. This helps warm up your muscles and gets your joints used to moving in their full range of motion. A few examples of dynamic stretches include lateral lunges, single-leg deadlifts (bodyweight-only) and cat-cow.

“For an effective stretch, you should be able to relax into it,” Loberg says. However, many people try to force a stretch, which is not only unpleasant, but can lead to muscle strain.

“最终范围的肌肉是最弱的,” DPT的布雷克·德克森(Blake Dircksen定制治疗在纽约。想想二头肌卷曲:当肘部弯曲90度时,您的肌肉最强,并且在伸展或弯曲时最弱。“如果您要在软弱的末端之一上伸展,那么您就面临更高的紧张风险。”



作为一个例子,臀部屈肌(一群肌肉那t help you bend your knee toward your body) are notorious for being tight and weak. It might feel good to stretch your hip flexors, but without proper strength, you may not gain flexibility, Loberg says.

修复程序:If stretching isn’t helping you gain flexibility, focus on strengthening the area in question. After stretching, perform some light strength exercises. For hip flexors, great strengthening options include standing marches in place (make these slow and controlled and focus on lifting your knee through its full range), banded marching hip bridges and lunges.


修复程序:Check the opposing muscle group. “If stretching the front of your leg, check the flexibility in the back of your leg,” Loberg says. Similarly, if you’re stretching your upper back or shoulders, stretch out your chest. Doing glute stretches? Stretch your hip adductors (the muscles in your groin that pull your legs together).




劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)
劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)

Lauren is a freelance fitness writer who specializes in covering running and strength training topics. She writes for a variety of national publications, including男性健康,,,,跑步者的世界,,,,形状andWomen’s Running。她和丈夫和他们的三只狗一起住在明尼苏达州布鲁克林公园。


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