
Lauren Bedosky
byLauren Bedosky

If you’re starting a strength routine, you might be tempted to try some of those cool moves all the fitness influencers are showing off on Instagram. However, it’s important to have a solid foundation first. Even the fittest of the pack had to start with the basics. So, if you’re new to strength training, your best bet is to start by mastering a handful of basic exercises — then worry about the insta-worthy exercises later.

“关键时,您刚开始实力的习惯是建立坚实的基础,并真正专注于运动过程中工作的肌肉,”科里·莱夫科维斯(Cori LefkowithRedefining Strength在加利福尼亚州的科斯塔梅萨。她补充说:“从体重运动开始是做到这一点的好方法。”




The following five strength exercises coverfundamental movement patterns, and form the base for almost every other exercise you will do. If you’re just starting out, master these basic exercises before moving on to more advanced variations. “Think of these movements as building the foundation of your house,” Lefkowith says. “You want your foundation made out of concrete, not quicksand, which means starting with moves that allow you to create good movement patterns by using proper form.”

Plus, they’re all bodyweight, because是的,youget strong using just your body weight


健身和创新高级副总裁多丽丝·泰斯(Doris ThewsVASA Fitness和2019 IDEA Fitness Instructor of the Year. Plus,体重下蹲充当基础运动许多其他的练习为基础,她的广告ds. So, if you want to do back squats, jump squats or wall sits, you have to nail basic bodyweight squats first.

The move:与双脚隔开臀部宽度。向后推屁股,弯曲膝盖以将臀部降低到地板上。旨在以大腿平行于地板,并与脚趾保持一致。开车穿过高跟鞋,推回站立。



The move:Get into high plank position on the floor. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders, slightly wider than your ribcage. Brace your core and bend at the elbows to lower your body to the floor with control. Make sure your elbows flare out no more than 45 degrees. Push back up to the top position. Elevate your hands on a bench, or drop to your knees if needed.


一般而言,体重弓步是一个基本运动,但通常指责膝盖疼痛。Static lunges tend to be one of the better options for beginners, because you are better able to control the muscles you use to perform the move, Lefkowith says. “The up-and-down movement can also improve your hip mobility, while allowing you more stability instead of having to control a step forward,” she adds.

The move:与双脚隔开臀部宽度。一只脚向后退,然后将后膝盖向下朝下,向地板向下倾斜,以双膝盖形成90度角。将重量转移到前脚上,首先确保前膝盖与前脚踝保持一致。然后,开车穿过前脚的脚后跟,接合臀部以将自己推向站立,直到双腿伸出。不动脚,弯曲前膝盖以开始下一个代表。在整个运动过程中,保持肩膀和后退。在切换到另一侧之前,请在一侧进行所有代表。



The move:Stand tall. Place a barbell in a rack at about waist height (put the barbell higher in the rack to make the movement easier). Hold the barbell with both hands using an overhand grip and allow your arms to extend fully. Your body should be a straight, plank-like position. Pull your elbows straight back to bring your sternum in contact with the barbell (you may need to adjust your foot position to make this possible). Pause briefly at the top of the movement before lowering yourself back down with control. Step your feet forward to make the move more challenging.

You can also use a suspension trainer or gymnastic rings for inverted rows.


Theplank is a key move刚开始时要掌握。Lefkowith说:“它可以帮助您建立俯卧撑和倒排的核心力量。”她补充说:“这也将帮助您学习如何让腹肌在下蹲和硬拉期间保护下背部。”

The move:Set-up on the floor in a plank position with your elbows bent and directly beneath your shoulders, forearms flat on the floor. Extend both legs behind you and support your weight on your toes. Brace your core and squeeze your glutes to hold the position. Don’t allow your low-back to sag toward the floor. Thews recommends beginners start by holding the position for 10 seconds, gradually building their way up to 1 minute. If you can’t hold a straight-leg plank, begin with your knees on the floor.



One of the simplest ways to make an exercise more challenging is to add weight, but there are plenty of other ways you can increase the intensity. You can slow down or speed up your tempo, play with work/rest intervals or try a unilateral (single-arm or single-leg) variation.




Lauren Bedosky
Lauren Bedosky

劳伦(Lauren)是一位自由职业者健身作家,他专门介绍跑步和力量训练主题。她为各种国家出版物写作,包括男性健康,Runner’s World,SHAPE妇女的跑步。她和丈夫和他们的三只狗一起住在明尼苏达州布鲁克林公园。



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