


幸运的是,这并不意味着您必须永远放弃它,这是保持良好食物外观(和您的理智)的必要部分。在这里,有11位注册的营养师,又名那些健康生活的帕拉贡人,他们知道如何吃得很好Chinese takeoutand快餐,分享他们在放松时选择的酒精饮料。

1. A vodka seltzer with lemon or lime
“There’s a common misconception that tonic water is the same as seltzer water, but it actually contains a lot ofcaloriesand sugar. I opt for seltzer, which is just water with bubbles, instead. A squeeze of either lemon or lime gives the drink a healthy (and sugar-free) boost of flavor!” —Rebecca Ditkoff, R.D., CUNY School of Public Health and member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

2. A bloody mary, extra spicy
“当他们带有泡菜,橄榄或其他有趣的装饰时,我特别喜欢。我更喜欢血腥的玛丽而不是甜饮料,因为额外sugarin most cocktails gives me a terrible hangover. Also, when a drink is super spicy, it slows down my drinking and encourages me to have a sip of water between each sip of alcohol.” —Abbey Sharp, R.D.,修道院的厨房

“我很少选择混合饮料,因为添加的糖和卡路里对我来说是不值得的。我喜欢一杯红色葡萄酒,最好是黑比诺,因为它具有高浓度的抗氧化剂,包括多酚,类黄酮和白藜芦醇。当然,我很欣赏偶尔的法国香槟,因为生活太短了。”- Denise Julia Garbinski,M.B.A.,R.D.N。的植物营养疗法

4. A Johnny Walker Black and Diet Coke
“我会为此感到烦恼 - 许多威士忌酒爱好者将好东西与饮食可乐混合在一起,这只是我的口味偏好。我还请酒保使用jigger,所以我知道多少酒精is mixed in.” —托比·艾米多(Toby Amidor),,,,M.S., R.D., author of The Greek Yogurt Kitchen: 130 Delicious, Healthy Recipes For Every Meal Of The Day

“It’s raspberry-infused vodka, club soda, and a splash of lime and cranberry juice. Even though fruit juices contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, they also contain a high amount of naturalsugar,,,,which can add up in a drink. Just a splash of the cranberry juice adds enough flavor, but keeps the calories in check.” —Dawn Orsaeo, R.D., L.D.N.

6. A Moscow mule with a twist
“My absolutely favorite for the summer is a Moscow mule with ginger beer, vodka,青柠汁,,,,and lots of ice, skipping the simple syrup. It’s so refreshing, and when you don’t use simple syrup, it’s only around 80 calories.” —Molly Morgan, R.D., C.D.N., C.S.S.D., owner of创意营养解决方案

7. A scotch on the rocks
“我最喜欢的是Macallan岁12年苏格兰威士忌。我李ke to avoid sugary mixers like果汁,而且由于苏格兰威士忌更强壮,所以我会慢慢地饮,一杯可以在整个晚上持久。”-Rebecca Lewis,,,,in-house R.D. atHelloFresh

“Silver tequila usually has less sugar in it than brown tequila or other brown liquors. I skip the sugary mixers and drink it straight up or with no-calorie club soda and a littleflavor从一阵柑橘的飞溅中。”- R.D. Sarah Rueven,所有者Sarah Rueven Nutrition

9. An ice cold beer
“A true Wisconsin native, I’m especially a fan of a nice hoppy craft brew. Not only do I enjoy the flavor complexities a craft beer has to offer, beer gives you the most volume for about the same total of calories and酒精as wine and spirits, meaning it takes longer to drink and therefore helps moderate total alcohol consumption.” —Emily Brown, R.D.N., L.D., wellness dietitian at the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program

10. A toned-down mojito
“我喜欢莫吉托的薄荷和石灰,但是我发现很多地方都使它们变得太甜了,所以我得到了一个带有额外石灰的无糖莫吉托。在大多数情况下,薄荷和额外的石灰对我来说是足够的风味。如果我觉得它需要一些额外的甜味,我会添加自己的sugar或甜叶菊。我每次都喝了一杯完美的饮料。”- 迪纳·加西亚(Dina Garcia),R.D.N。,正念饮食教练和创始人Vida Nutrition

“我不必担心卡路里或糖。我喝了我最喜欢的葡萄酒 - 苏维农·布兰克(Sauvignon Blanc)或玛格丽塔酒(Margarita),上面撒了盐(不混合,只是直龙舌兰酒,石灰和龙舌兰)。我知道我可以喝两种饮料,享受味道,并在第二天早上仍然起床!”—Laura Cipullo,R.D.,C.D.N.,C.D.E.,C.E.D.R.D.,所有者Laura Cipullo全营养

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