11 Essential Yoga Poses For Beginners

byKelly DiNardo
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11 Essential Yoga Poses For Beginners

There’s an unofficial yoga posture almost everyone does in their first few classes, it’s called the “twist-to-look-at-my-neighbor” pose.

It’s that trying-to-be-subtle look of newbies who are turning around to see what everyone is doing in an attempt to understand what the heck is going on in class. It usually comes from a lack of familiarity with the English or Sanskrit names of the postures combined with an “am-I-doing-this-right?” fear. And it’s totally normal.

If you’renew to yoga— or are thinking about giving it a try — learning a few essential poses that commonly pop up in a class is a good way to feel more confident.



Child’s pose, a resting stop in many classes, is a salve that soothes and calms the body. It stretches the low back, hips, thighs and ankles. It also increases circulation to the head, which can relieve stress, fatigue and headaches.

The move:跪下,用膝盖和脚一起坐在脚跟上。当您呼气时,向前弯曲,将额头放在地板上。用手掌抬起大腿旁边的手臂。放松并让重力有助于将您的肩膀释放到地板上。


This foundational yoga posture is modeled after the post-nap pose pups take when they stretch their paws forward and lift their tailbones to the sky. There’s something to it: The pose releases the spine; stretches the hamstrings, calves and arms and strengthens the back and arms.

The move:从您的手和膝盖开始,处于桌面位置。向前滑动手掌,以便他们在您的肩膀前休息,然后将您的脚趾塞在下面。当您呼气时,将手掌压入地面,将膝盖从地面上抬起,伸直手臂和腿。您的身体会形成宽阔的倒置V形状。

Push your thighs back, pressing your heels toward the floor, without locking your knees. Beginners often struggle to keep their legs straight. It’s OK; keep a slight bend in your knees at first. Don’t worry if your heels don’t touch the floor.



这个全身助力器是伟大的重复结构r body, back and core.

The move:On your hands and knees, with your wrists directly under your shoulders, engage your abdominals, tuck your toes and step your feet back. Keep contracting the abdominals so you create one long line from your head to your heels and avoid sticking your butt in the air or drooping your belly down. Look slightly ahead of your fingers to keep your neck long. Hold for 5–10 breaths.


There’s no sugar-coating it: Chaturanga is hard. You’re using your body strength to hover inches off the mat — doing so requires engaging your shoulders, arms, chest, abdominals, back, thighs, calves and feet. Yup, it’s a head-to-toe workout in one pose.

It’s also a pose you’ll encounter dozens of times in just one vinyasa class. So rushing it, muscling through it or doing it wrong is no good. Doing a pose wrong over and over again is a surefire way to get injured. Take your time learning the pose, build up to it with knees-chest-chin (outlined below) and ask your instructor to check your form.

The move:Start in plank. Roll forward on your toes, bringing your chest through your arms. As you exhale, lower down until your arms form a 90-degree angle and stop.


Knee-Chest-Chin Variation:

Use this pose to build up to chaturanga. Exhale and lower your knees to the floor. Keep your elbows tucked into your rib cage and lower your chin and chest to the floor. Hips stay lifted so you look like an inchworm.



The move:Ease into full cobra with a variation often called low or baby cobra. Begin lying down with your forehead on your mat. Place your hands under your shoulders, palms flat and elbows tucked into the sides of your body. Press the tops of your feet and thighs into the ground.

吸气,抬起头部和胸部floor. Lengthen your neck and keep your gaze forward to keep from straining your neck. Keep your elbows pulled in and draw your shoulders away from your ears. Gently lift your palms off your mat for a second to ensure the work comes from your back and core. Hold baby cobra for 3–5 breaths, then lower on an exhale and rest one cheek on the mat.

For full cobra, inhale and start to straighten your arms as you peel your upper body off your mat. Only straighten your arms as much as you can while keeping the work even throughout your entire core. And only lift as high as you can while keeping the tops of your feet, hips and thighs pressing into your mat.



The Warrior postures, the bread-and-butter poses found in almost every modern yoga class, are vigorous and demanding. Tap into your inner warrior because they are worth it. They strengthen the legs — and warrior I strengthens and stretches the arms, shoulders and thighs.

The move:From down dog, step your right foot forward to low lunge. Ground your left foot down so it’s at a 45-degree angle and you’ve created a straight line between the heel of your right and left foot. On an inhale, lift your torso up and sweep your arms overhead. Keep your right knee bent and directly over, or slightly behind, your right ankle to protect your knees. Press the outside edge of your back foot into the mat. Gently work your left hip forward, trying to square your hips like headlights shining toward the front of your mat. But, if like me, you struggle to square your hips, slide your left foot toward the left edge of your mat and take a wider stance, which gives you more room to square your hips to the front edge of the mat.



In addition to strengthening the legs, warrior II opens the groin and chest.

The move:从Down Dog,向右走到低弓步。将左脚向下扎根,使其以90度角将其磨碎,并且在右脚的脚后跟和左脚的脚踏板之间创建了一条直线。


Strengthen the pose from the bottom up. Press the outside left edge of your foot into the ground and make your entire left leg strong. Make sure your right knee tracks over your right ankle. Glance down and see if you can spot your big right toe to make sure your knee isn’t rolling inward. Tuck your tailbone slightly and engage your abdominals. Roll your shoulders down your back and take your gaze over your right index finger. Relax your eyes and hold the pose for up to a minute.




The move:从右脚向前开始在Warrior II开始。呼气,将右前臂轻轻放在右大腿上,将左臂扫过耳朵,从左指尖到左脚踝形成一条直线。确保右膝盖直接在右脚踝上,并接合双腿。延长身体的整个左侧,如果它适合您的脖子舒适,请将您的目光视为左腋下。通过身体的右侧找到长度,避免沉入右大腿。

Deepen the pose by taking your right hand to a block placed inside the right foot or by taking your right hand to your right foot. Gently press your right arm into your right leg to open your hip. Keep spinning your chest toward the sky. If you find your chest turns to the floor, lift back up to the block or your thigh.

保持姿势长达一分钟。Then on an inhale, lift to warrior II and repeat on the other side.



The move:站立在垫子的长边缘,双脚相距3-4英尺。转动右脚面对垫子的前边缘,然后将左脚趾稍微旋转,使左右脚跟对齐。

Extend your arms parallel to the floor. On an inhale, reach your right arm and torso forward. On an exhale, spin your right arm toward the floor and your left arm to the sky so you’ve created a straight line between your left and right fingers. Your right hand can rest on your thigh, shin, ankle or floor. Keep the right side of your body long. If you’re compressing through your right waist, lift your right hand up your leg until you find length. Take your gaze toward your left thumb and hold here for up to a minute. On an inhale, lift up out of your waist, flip-flop the feet and find triangle on the other side.


Pigeon opens up the hips, groin, hip flexors and thighs, which makes it a great remedy for much of modern-day life, but it can be a challenging posture for beginners, so start with a seated version known as a figure four stretch.

The move:Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Cross your right ankle over your left thigh, just above your knee. Slowly, bend your left knee and walk your left foot closer to your butt. Flex your right foot and gently press your right thigh open. Hold for 5–10 breaths and switch sides.


Sure, lying down at the end of a tough class canfeel like sweet relief. Then, the mind kicks in wondering what’s for dinner, thinking about that email that needs responding to and planning for the next thing on your to-do list. That sweet relief evaporates and you’re tempted to roll up your mat and slip out the door. Don’t do it.

There’s a reason you’ll always find final relaxation pose or savasana waiting for you at the end of class. It is the most important posture in your practice.

Yes, it relaxes the nervous system, calms the mind and reduces insomnia, headaches and fatigue, but its most important function is to allow us to absorb our practice. Just as a good night sleep repairs and rejuvenates us from the day, final relaxation pose gives our body time to acknowledge the practice and reset the entire mind and body.

The move:要进入姿势,只需躺在您的背上。延长腿,比臀部宽一点。让脚打开。举起并延长一只手臂,然后再抬起另一只手臂,每个手臂都在您的身边,手掌朝向上。不要害怕占用空间。闭上眼睛,在这里休息5-15分钟。

When you’re ready to come out of the pose, do so slowly. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Circle your wrists and ankles. Maybe hug your knees into your chest. Roll over to your right side, resting in the fetal position for a moment, and then press up to a seated position.

About the Author

Kelly DiNardo

Kelly is a journalist, author, runner, yogi, skier, globetrotter and dog-lover. She has been teaching yoga since 2002 and is the owner of Past Tense, a Washington, D.C. yoga studio where her team reminds her how much fun it is to be a little twisted and encourages an upside-down approach to life. She is the author of “Gilded Lili: Lili St. Cyr and the Striptease Mystique” and “Living the Sutras: A Guide to Yoga Wisdom beyond the Mat.”



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